import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import pendulum
from datetime import date
today = str(
start = pendulum.parse('2022-12-5 08:30')
end = pendulum.parse('2022-12-5 15:00')
stock = input("Enter a stock ticker symbol: ")
print(stock " 1 Minute Data")
print( stock, interval="1m", start=start, end=end))
Running the code and typing in "TSLA" will load up every tick for the specified date. How would I export this array in a clean fashion to excel?
Side note: I was also trying to put today's date instead of pendulum's manual date '2022-12-5' Is there a way to also use the current date for pendulum.parse instead of manually typing it out every time? I tried making the date a variable but got an error etc.
CodePudding user response:
Well, I suspect
is returning a pandas dataframe, so you could just save it to Excel using panda's to_excel function, unless there is more structure or processing you need to do.
df =
CodePudding user response:
Question 1: It returns a dataframe but you need to reset the index to bring Datetime column from index to column. You can chain all the commands together.
Question 2: pendulum.parse() takes a str so you just need to use an fstring.
import pendulum
import yfinance as yf
start = pendulum.parse(f"{} 08:30")
end = pendulum.parse(f"{} 15:00")
stock = input("Enter a stock ticker symbol: ")
.download(tickers=stock, interval="1m", start=start, end=end)
.to_excel(f"/path/to/file/{stock.lower()}.xlsx", index=False, sheet_name=stock)