I need to match a few words in the end of a string, handle it, than removes it. How should I remove few chars or bytes in then end of aString
I using regex
crate to match the string. I can't find a way to remove chars in the end of the String
Maybe something like this, but have non-ASCII chars:
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
fn func(s: &mut String) {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"123").unwrap();
let cap = match RE.captures(s.as_str()) {
Some(v) => v.get(0).unwrap(),
None => panic!("Error"),
s.delete(0, cap.end());
fn do_something(s: &str) {
assert_eq!(s, "123")
fn main() {
let s = String::from("123456");
assert_eq!(s, "456");
I have seen remove
method, but it says it's O(n)
. If it is, I think O(nm)
is a little bit too slow for me.
CodePudding user response:
You can use regexes Match::start
to get a start of the capture group.
You can then use truncate
to get rid of everything after that.
fn main() {
let mut text: String = "this is a text with some garbage after!abc".into();
let re = regex::Regex::new("abc$").unwrap();
let m = re.captures(&text).unwrap();
let g = m.get(0).unwrap();
CodePudding user response:
What you're looking for is truncate
- except with non-ascii support.
For ascii only, this works:
let mut s = String::from("123456789");
s.truncate(s.len() - 3);
assert_eq!(s, "123456");
However since String
can contain unicode characters which aren't always 1 byte, it doesn't work for non-ascii (panics if the new length does not lie on a char boundary)
If you want non-ascii support, there isn't an O(1)
solution according to this answer. That answer does give an implementation using char_indicies()
, I think it's the best way unless I'm missing something.
There is also the unicode-truncate crate, which also seems to use char_indicies()
- might be worth a look.