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Assign unique group per consecutive values under a threshold in pandas


I have a dataframe such as:

Groups  Names Values
G1      SP1   1
G1      SP1   5
G1      SP1   -2
G1      SP1   30
G1      SP1   50
G1      SP1   50
G1      SP1   -1
G1      SP1   2
G1      SP2   2
G1      SP2   20
G1      SP2   1
G2      SP3   30
G2      SP3   9
G2      SP3   3
G3      SP3   2

and I would like to add a new_group column for each Groups-Names where I found consecutive Values < 10

I should then get:

Groups  Names Values new_groups
G1      SP1   1      NG1
G1      SP1   5      NG1
G1      SP1   -2     NG1
G1      SP1   30     NG2
G1      SP1   50     NG3
G1      SP1   50     NG4
G1      SP1   -1     NG5
G1      SP1   2      NG5
G1      SP2   2      NG5
G1      SP2   20     NG6
G1      SP2   1      NG7
G2      SP3   30     NG8
G2      SP3   9      NG9
G2      SP3   3      NG9
G3      SP3   2      NG10

so for instance, since I get Values < 10 for the first 3 rows, I assign the first group: NG1

Then, I have a value > 10 (which is 30), so I assign the second group: NG2

Then, I get value > 10 in row5, then I assign a new group : NG3
Then, I get again a value > 10 in row6, then I assign a new group: NG4

and so on...

Here is the dataframe in dict format if it can help;

{'Groups': {0: 'G1', 1: 'G1', 2: 'G1', 3: 'G1', 4: 'G1', 5: 'G1', 6: 'G1', 7: 'G1', 8: 'G1', 9: 'G1', 10: 'G1', 11: 'G2', 12: 'G2', 13: 'G2',14:'G3'}, 'Names': {0: 'SP1', 1: 'SP1', 2: 'SP1', 3: 'SP1', 4: 'SP1', 5: 'SP1', 6: 'SP1', 7: 'SP1', 8: 'SP2', 9: 'SP2', 10: 'SP2', 11: 'SP3', 12: 'SP3', 13: 'SP3', 14 : 'SP3'}, 'Values': {0: 1, 1: 5, 2: -2, 3: 30, 4: 50, 5: 50, 6: -1, 7: 2, 8: 2, 9: 20, 10: 1, 11: 30, 12: 9, 13: 3, 14: 2}}

CodePudding user response:

I can't find any better way to do it than just using the python function and then map it with pandas. This is not a very efficient way, but this'll do the job!

import pandas as pd

# Global Variable to know wether prv. one was <10
var = False

# Var. to hold prv. Grp no.
prv_grp = 0

# Function
def func(val):

    # Acessing the Variables, global as it's outside the func. scope
    global var
    global prv_grp

    if var: # If prv. val was <10

        if val < 10: # If it is still <10

            return "NG" str(prv_grp) # Returning the value

        else: # If not

            var = False # To remember that this is not <10

            prv_grp  = 1 # Increasing the grp

            return "NG" str(prv_grp) # Returning the value 

    else: # If prv. value was not <10

        if val < 10: # But it is now

            var = True #To remember that this is <10

        prv_grp  = 1 # Increasing the grp

        return "NG" str(prv_grp) # Returning the value


# Your data
x = {
    'Groups': {0: 'G1', 1: 'G1', 2: 'G1', 3: 'G1', 4: 'G1', 5: 'G1', 6: 'G1', 7: 'G1', 8: 'G1', 9: 'G1', 10: 'G1', 11: 'G2', 12: 'G2', 13: 'G2'}, 

    'Names': {0: 'SP1', 1: 'SP1', 2: 'SP1', 3: 'SP1', 4: 'SP1', 5: 'SP1', 6: 'SP1', 7: 'SP1', 8: 'SP2', 9: 'SP2', 10: 'SP2', 11: 'SP3', 12: 'SP3', 13: 'SP3'}, 

    'Values': {0: 1, 1: 5, 2: -2, 3: 30, 4: 50, 5: 50, 6: -1, 7: 2, 8: 2, 9: 20, 10: 1, 11: 30, 12: 9, 13: 3}

# Converting to dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(x)

# Mapping the new_group column with an output of func. taking the Values column as input
df['new_groups'] = df['Values'].map(func)



   Groups Names  Values new_groups
0      G1   SP1       1        NG1
1      G1   SP1       5        NG1
2      G1   SP1      -2        NG1
3      G1   SP1      30        NG2
4      G1   SP1      50        NG3
5      G1   SP1      50        NG4
6      G1   SP1      -1        NG5
7      G1   SP1       2        NG5
8      G1   SP2       2        NG5
9      G1   SP2      20        NG6
10     G1   SP2       1        NG7
11     G2   SP3      30        NG8
12     G2   SP3       9        NG9
13     G2   SP3       3        NG9

EDIT: Added Argument from Groups col. per op request from comment.

# For understanding the code refer above code comments!

import pandas as pd

var = False

prv_grp = 0

grp_name = "" # For storing prv. or current  group name

def func(grp, val):

    global grp_name
    global var
    global prv_grp

    if grp == grp_name: # if group hasn't changed

        if var:

            if val < 10:

                return "NG" str(prv_grp)


                var = False

                prv_grp  = 1

                return "NG" str(prv_grp)


            if val < 10:

                var = True
            prv_grp  = 1

            return "NG" str(prv_grp)

    else: # If group name had changed

        grp_name = grp # Stroing the new Group name
        if val < 10:

            var = True
            prv_grp  = 1

            prv_grp  = 1

            var = False

        return "NG" str(prv_grp)

x = {
    'Groups': {0: 'G1', 1: 'G1', 2: 'G1', 3: 'G1', 4: 'G1', 5: 'G1', 6: 'G1', 7: 'G1', 8: 'G1', 9: 'G1', 10: 'G1', 11: 'G2', 12: 'G2', 13: 'G2', 14: 'G3'}, 

    'Names': {0: 'SP1', 1: 'SP1', 2: 'SP1', 3: 'SP1', 4: 'SP1', 5: 'SP1', 6: 'SP1', 7: 'SP1', 8: 'SP2', 9: 'SP2', 10: 'SP2', 11: 'SP3', 12: 'SP3', 13: 'SP3', 14: 'SP3'}, 

    'Values': {0: 1, 1: 5, 2: -2, 3: 30, 4: 50, 5: 50, 6: -1, 7: 2, 8: 2, 9: 20, 10: 1, 11: 30, 12: 9, 13: 3, 14: 2}

df = pd.DataFrame(x)

#df['new_groups'] = df['Values'].map(func)

# Here we are using lambda that send the value from Values to val arg & Groups to grp arg in func()
df['new_groups'] = df.apply(lambda x: func(grp = x.Groups, val = x.Values), axis=1)



   Groups Names  Values new_groups
0      G1   SP1       1        NG1
1      G1   SP1       5        NG1
2      G1   SP1      -2        NG1
3      G1   SP1      30        NG2
4      G1   SP1      50        NG3
5      G1   SP1      50        NG4
6      G1   SP1      -1        NG5
7      G1   SP1       2        NG5
8      G1   SP2       2        NG5
9      G1   SP2      20        NG6
10     G1   SP2       1        NG7
11     G2   SP3      30        NG8
12     G2   SP3       9        NG9
13     G2   SP3       3        NG9
14     G3   SP3       2       NG10


CodePudding user response:

Relatively short approach basing on accessing the previous values of Values column (using pandas.DataFrame.shift) and compound boolean mask.
True values of new_column indicate positions where group index must be increased by 1, False - those positions that fall into previous group.

In [222]: df['new_group'] = ((df.Values > 10) | df.Values.shift().isna() | (df.Values.shift() > 10))

In [223]: group_idx = {'idx': 0}  # group indexer

In [224]: def set_groups(val, idx):
     ...:     if val:
     ...:         idx['idx']  = 1
     ...:     return 'NG{}'.format(idx['idx'])

In [225]: df['new_group'] = df['new_group'].apply(set_groups, idx=group_idx)

In [226]: df
   Groups Names  Values new_group
0      G1   SP1       1       NG1
1      G1   SP1       5       NG1
2      G1   SP1      -2       NG1
3      G1   SP1      30       NG2
4      G1   SP1      50       NG3
5      G1   SP1      50       NG4
6      G1   SP1      -1       NG5
7      G1   SP1       2       NG5
8      G1   SP2       2       NG5
9      G1   SP2      20       NG6
10     G1   SP2       1       NG7
11     G2   SP3      30       NG8
12     G2   SP3       9       NG9
13     G2   SP3       3       NG9
14     G3   SP3       2       NG9
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