I use the code below to search and replace a part of a text in a string. It works fine for almost 97 % of the replacements but not when one string that is supposed to be replaced is identical with another part of the string. Is there a straightforward method to avoid this?
Sub Macro1()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To Worksheets("table1").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
Worksheets("table1").Range("H:H").Replace What:=Worksheets("table2").Range("A" & i), Replacement:=Worksheets("table2").Range("B" & i), LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
ReplaceFormat:=False, FormulaVersion:=xlReplaceFormula2
Next i
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
Sheets TABLE1
Thank you for your wonderful solution. Problem is the delimiter is not always ",". It can also be a blank space " ". Problem using a blank space as additional delimiter might be the case that each element of the string e. g. "4711 Text_A" always has a blank space after the first 4 chars. – D3merzel 44 mins ago
In that case, you can take another approach. The text can appear in 3 positions. At the begining (TEXT & Delim
), in the middle (Delim & TEXT & Delim
) and in the end (Delim & TEXT
Can you try the below code. I have not extensively tested it. If you find a scenario where it doesn't work then share it, I will tweak the code.
Option Explicit
'~~> This is the delimiter. Change as applicable
Private Const Delim As String = " "
Sub Sample()
Dim wsTblA As Worksheet
Dim wsTblB As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim ArTable1 As Variant
Dim ArTable2 As Variant
'~~> Change this to the relevant worksheet
Set wsTblA = Worksheets("Table2")
Set wsTblB = Worksheets("Table1")
'~~> Get the values in Col A and B from Sheet Table2 in an array
With wsTblA
lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ArTable2 = .Range("A2:B" & lRow).Value2
End With
'~~> Get the values in Col H from Sheet Table1 in an array
With wsTblB
lRow = .Range("H" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ArTable1 = .Range("H2:H" & lRow).Value2
End With
'~~> Loop through the array
For i = LBound(ArTable2) To UBound(ArTable2)
For j = LBound(ArTable1) To UBound(ArTable1)
'~~> Check if the search string is present
If InStr(1, ArTable1(j, 1), ArTable2(i, 1) & Delim, vbTextCompare) Then
ArTable1(j, 1) = Replace(ArTable1(j, 1), ArTable2(i, 1) & Delim, ArTable2(i, 2) & Delim)
ElseIf InStr(1, ArTable1(j, 1), Delim & ArTable2(i, 1) & Delim, vbTextCompare) Then
ArTable1(j, 1) = Replace(ArTable1(j, 1), Delim & ArTable2(i, 1) & Delim, Delim & ArTable2(i, 2) & Delim)
ElseIf InStr(1, ArTable1(j, 1), Delim & ArTable2(i, 1), vbTextCompare) Then
ArTable1(j, 1) = Replace(ArTable1(j, 1), Delim & ArTable2(i, 1), Delim & ArTable2(i, 2))
End If
Next j
Next i
'~~> Write the array back to the worksheet
wsTblB.Range("H2").Resize(UBound(ArTable1), 1).Value = ArTable1
End Sub
Sheets TABLE2
Sheets TABLE1
CodePudding user response:
Replace in Delimited Strings
Sub ReplaceData()
Const DST_DELIMITER As String = ", "
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Source
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Sheets("Table2")
Dim srg As Range
Set srg = sws.Range("A2:B" & sws.Cells(sws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
Dim sDict As Object: Set sDict = TwoColumnsToDictionary(srg.Value)
' Destination
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Sheets("Table1")
Dim drg As Range
Set drg = dws.Range("H2", dws.Cells(dws.Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp))
Dim dData() As Variant: dData = drg.Value
' Replace.
ReplaceSingleColumnData dData, sDict, DST_DELIMITER
' Write.
drg.Value = dData
' Inform
MsgBox "Data replaced.", vbInformation
End Sub
Function TwoColumnsToDictionary( _
ByVal Data As Variant, _
Optional ByVal KeyColumn As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal ItemColumn As Long = 2, _
Optional ByVal MatchCase As Boolean = False) _
As Object
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = IIf(MatchCase, vbBinaryCompare, vbTextCompare)
Dim r As Long, kStr As String
For r = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)
kStr = CStr(Data(r, KeyColumn))
If Len(kStr) > 0 Then dict(kStr) = CStr(Data(r, ItemColumn))
Next r
If dict.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
Set TwoColumnsToDictionary = dict
End Function
Private Sub ReplaceSingleColumnData( _
ByRef Data As Variant, _
ByVal dict As Object, _
ByVal Delimiter As String)
Dim r As Long, n As Long
Dim sStrings() As String, sStr As String, sFound As Boolean
For r = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)
sStr = CStr(Data(r, 1))
If Len(sStr) > 0 Then
sStrings = Split(sStr, Delimiter)
For n = 0 To UBound(sStrings)
sStr = sStrings(n) ' reusing 'sStr'
If dict.Exists(sStr) Then
sStrings(n) = dict(sStr)
sFound = True
End If
Next n
If sFound Then
Data(r, 1) = Join(sStrings, Delimiter)
sFound = False ' reset for the next iteration
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub