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String should not contain two consecutive forward slashes and any of the special character except un


Looking for a JS regex which should return false, when the string contains :

  1. Two consecutive forward slash, Or/And
  2. Any of the special character except hyphen and underscore.

Note: It should have cross browser compatibility as negative lookahead/lookbehind is not supported in Safari.

I have tried this regex: /(^[\w-\/] $)(?<!.*?\/{2,}.*$)/ It works for my use case but its not supported in safari, because of the negative lookbehind.

Expected Behaviour :

Can Match any below:


Can't match any below:


CodePudding user response:

const regex = /\/\/|[!.*?@]/g
const strings = [

for (const string of strings) {
  console.log(string, string.match(regex) ? 'no' : 'yes')

CodePudding user response:

You could write your pattern without any lookarounds by removing the / from the character class, and optionally repeat the allowed characters with a leading forward slash.

^[\w-] (?:\/[\w-] )*$

Regex demo

const regex = /^[\w-] (?:\/[\w-] )*$/;
].forEach(s =>
  console.log(`${s} --> ${regex.test(s)}`)

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