I need to extract a string that will located between two characters, with always the same pattern
sample string:
A CRN_MOB_H_001 a--> <AVLB>
What is in bold AVLB is what I want to extract, the whole string will always have the same pattern, and everything that is before the < is irrelevant to me. The string will always have the same pattern:
Some string with possible special characters such as <>, although very unlikely so, it can be ignored if too complicated
a space
then -->
a space
and then the part that is interesting <XXXXXXX>
The XXXXXXX representing the part I want to extract
thank you for your time.
I have tried several things, could not get anywhere I wanted.
CodePudding user response:
Please try this REGEXP_SUBSTR(), which selects what is in the angled brackets when they occur at the end of the string.
Note the WITH clause just sets up test data and is a good way to supply data for people to help you here.
WITH tbl(str) AS (
SELECT 'A CRN_MOB_H_001 a--> <AVLB>' FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '.*<(.*)>$', 1, 1, NULL, 1) DATA
FROM tbl;
1 row selected.