I want to program a function that based on the given Date, get the date ($end_date) of the contract termination.
And the conditions are:
On the first 3 Months after contract creation we have a grace periode. So if we receive the contract resignation until 14 days before the end of the first 3 Months, the contract duration will not apply and the termination is valid to the last days of the first 3 months after contract creation.
If the grace periode is gone the contract duration will apply, so the resignation is only valid if we receive it 6 months before the contract duration ends. If the we receive the resignation after 6 months to the end of the contract duration, the contract will be renewed for the same contract duration.
I have this information:
$resignation_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($letter_of_resignation_received_date));
$contract_begin_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract_begin_date));
$contract_duration= 48; //This means 48 Months
1st. condition:
- If the $resignation_date is till 14 Days before ending the first 3 months after $contract_begin_date
- RESULT: The $end_date will be $contract_begin_date 3 Months ($contract_duration will not apply)
$grace_periode_date= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract_begin_date . ' 3 months - 14 days'));
if ($resignation_date \< $grace_periode_date ) {
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract_begin_date . ' 3 months'));
- condition:
- If the $resignation_date is already after 14 Days before ending the first 3 months after $contract_begin_date, $contract_duration will apply.
- RESULT: The $end_date will be $contract_begin_date $contract_duration Months
if ($resignation_date > $grace_periode_date ) {
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract_begin_date . ' '.$contract_duration.' months'));
- condition:
- If the grace periode is gone and we received the resignation after 6 months before the contract duration ends, The contract is already renewed for the same duration.
- RESULT: The $end_date will be $contract_begin_date ($contract_duration*2) Months
if ($resignation_date \> $grace_periode_date && $resignation_date \> date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract_begin_date . ' '.$contract_duration.' months - 6 months'))) {
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract_begin_date . ' '.$contract_duration.' months '.$contract_duration.' months '));
All this is working good. The problem is if the contract is for exemple alerady automatically renewed for 2 times, then the way how im doing this is not the correct way. Im all the time based on the $contract_begin_date the new duration.
So if the contract is already renews for 2 times the 2nd. an 3th. condition will deliver a wrong date. Because I have not the date of the last renew, i have only the contract begin date and the duration of the contract.
How can I get the correct end_date only using the information that I have?
CodePudding user response:
You need to calculate the start of the contract period in which you receive contract resignation.
function getContractPeriodStart($constractStartDate, $contractDurationInMonths, $targetDate)
$periodEnd = strtotime($constractStartDate);
do {
$periodStart = $periodEnd;
$periodEnd = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $periodStart) .
' ' . $contractDurationInMonths . ' months');
} while ($periodEnd < strtotime($targetDate));
$return date('Y-m-d', $periodStart);
Here the $targetDate
is the date you received the resignation.
The idea is simple: Just walk forwards through the contract periods until the end of a period is beyond the date you're interested in.
After this you can use the start of the period, instead of the start of the contract for your third condition.
Note: Code is untested and may contain errors.