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Want to get multiple rows into a single row for a user using SQL


I am looking for a solution for following:

enter image description here

Where I need a SQL query that get data for each user_id with all enrolment_value merged into a single row for the same user.

I am wondering if this is really possible or not.

I have tried Group by query but I get only 1 record not sure how to merge all the records for a user espacially under enrolment_value column.

Desired output: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

If you're looking for a way to aggregate all enrolment_value per user_id from MySQL, you can do so using aggregate functions like JSON_ARRAYAGG() or GROUP_CONCAT().

For example, given the following data sample on the enrolments table:

id user_id enrolment_value
1 1 {"a": "value 1"}
2 2 {"a": "value 2"}
3 1 {"a": "value 3"}

When we use JSON_ARRAYAGG as follows:

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