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I'm getting segmentation fault using fseek()


Here is the code that is giving me the error of Segmentation fault..

void hire_skill()
    int linec = 0;
    FILE *p;
    p = fopen("/home/suraj/Coding/PBL/Details/hiree.txt", "r");
    if (p == NULL)
        printf("\nFile did not open\n");

    char c;
    c = fgetc(p);
    while (c != EOF)
        if (c == '\n')
            linec  ;
        c = fgetc(p);
    printf("\nNumber of lines :\t%d\n", linec);

    FILE *ptrr;
    ptrr = fopen("/home/suraj/Coding/PBL/Details/hiree.txt", "r");
    if (ptrr == NULL)
        printf("\nFile did not open\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < linec; i  )
        fscanf(ptrr, "%s", hiree_login[i].name);
        fscanf(ptrr, "%d", hiree_login[i].age);
        fscanf(ptrr, "%s", hiree_login[i].gender);
        fscanf(ptrr, "%d", hiree_login[i].uid);
        fscanf(ptrr, "%s", hiree_login[i].skill);
        fscanf(ptrr, "%lld", hiree_login[i].phno);
    for (int i = 0; i < linec; i  )
        printf("\n%s, %d, %s, %d, %s, %lld\n", hiree_login[i].name, hiree_login[i].age, hiree_login[i].gender, hiree_login[i].uid, hiree_login[i].skill, hiree_login[i].phno);

And here is the structure i'm using to get values from the file and store it

struct hireeLogin
    int age;
    char name[20];
    char gender[1];
    int uid;
    char skill[20];
    long long int phno;
} hiree_login[MAX1]; //MAX1 = 50..

The whole code is on my github account : https://github.com/Suru-web/PBL/blob/main/Emp.c

I tried a few irrelevant things, but none of them worked. maybe i dont know much about this, so i would like anyone to help me fix my code. Thank you!!

CodePudding user response:

gender is an array of size 1 and can therefore hold a string of up to length 0. In the line fscanf(ptrr, "%s", hiree_login[i].gender);, scanf is probably writing more than zero characters into the buffer, so the behavior is undefined.

Never use "%s" in a format string. Always use a width modifier that is no more than one less than the size of the buffer.

CodePudding user response:

In this line ,

fscanf(p, "%s", hiree_login[i].name);

File pointer p is already closed. You may need to use ptrr

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