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Disable Option-Menu in tkinter does not work using python


I am new to tkinter and I am trying to create a program that function as following:

  1. on the main window the user can select any option from the presented options using radio-buttons.
  2. after the selection the user clicks the submit button which will prompt the user with a new window that contains 2 radio buttons.
  3. if the user selects the 1st option an option menu will be shown for the user to choose from
  4. if the user selects the 2nd option the option menu will be hidden (if it's present)
  5. the user clicks the submit button and the program terminates.

Now point 4 is what I am struggling with. what I am getting is that if I have chose the first option and the option-menu got shown it does not get hidden when I choose the second option (Say for example I changed my mind and I want to proceed with the second option)
I have used the .grid_forget() and .configure(state="disabled") but the option menu is still there.
I have read the following posts:

  • enter image description here

    now if the user changes his/her mind and chose the 2nd option this is what I get. enter image description here

    instead, what I want is for the option menu to be hidden like the following picture. enter image description here

    CodePudding user response:

    Thanks to the comment of @acw1668 I was able to solve my problem. what I was missing is that previously I created a new option-menu whenever add_drop_down() is called (as suggested by @acw1668). the edits that I made is:

    1. create the option-menu inside the new window function and initially hide it.
    2. make the functionality of the add_drop_down() function show/hide option menu instead of "adding and then hide a new option menu"

    here is the edited code:

    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import *
    def new_window():
        # creating and setting up the new window
        window = Toplevel()
        window.resizable(0, 0)
        # creating a frame to group the radio buttons
        new_window_radio_btn_frame = LabelFrame(window, padx=5, pady=5)
        new_window_radio_btn_frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
        # creating drop down menu options list
        drop_down_lst_options = ['Discard Duplicate data', 'Keep Duplicate data']
        drop_down_menu = OptionMenu(new_window_radio_btn_frame, menu_choice, *drop_down_lst_options)
        # creating radiobutton
        new_window_radio_btn_option_lst = [('Append to existing data', 'append'), ('Override existing data', 'override')]
        for j, (text, vlu) in enumerate(new_window_radio_btn_option_lst):
            Radiobutton(new_window_radio_btn_frame, text=text, variable=radio_btn_selection, value=vlu,
                        font=('Times New Roman', 12),
                        command=lambda: add_drop_down(drop_down_menu, radio_btn_selection.get()
                                                      )).grid(row=j   2, column=0, sticky=tk.W, pady=20, padx=20)
        # adding frame for the submit button
        submit_btn_frame = LabelFrame(window, padx=5, pady=5)
        submit_btn_frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
    def add_drop_down(drop_down, choice):
        # show or hide the drop-down list
        if choice == 'append':
            drop_down.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=200)
    # create the main window
    main = Tk()
    main.title('Data Temp Generator')
    main.resizable(0, 0)
    # creating variable to store the selection of the radio button of the secondary window
    radio_btn_selection = StringVar()
    # variable to store the menu choice
    menu_choice = StringVar()
    menu_choice.set('Discard Duplicate data')
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