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How to automatically calculate payment_amount in the FV formula?


I'm trying to calculate the payment_amount in the FV formula so I could plot the growth chart over certain period. The difference is that I know what FV I want to reach, and I know the rate and number_of_periods.

I created this example to illustrate the problem:

Image of the Google Sheet with formula visible

CodePudding user response:

Is not as exact as your value but you can use:

=-FV(F8, 1, -PMT(F8,F11,1, F5), 0)

I stated F11 as number of periods in case you want to change it dinamically. You can also use this sequence to have the full calculations in one cell:

=Scan(0, SEQUENCE (F11),LAMBDA(ag,v,-FV(F8, 1, -PMT(F8,F11,1, F5), ag)))

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