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Javascript Sobel-Operator does not detect horizontal edges


So I have been trying to implement a Sobel filter in JavaScript using pixel manipulation.

When using it on this image:


The result I got looks like this:


As you can see it does not seem to detect horizontal edges. Where is the mistake in the code?

Here is my code:

function sobel() {
    let filter1 = [1, 0, -1, 2, 0, -2, 1, 0, -1];
    let filter2 = [1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -2, -1];

    let w = canvas.width;
    let h = canvas.height;


    let pixel = context.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);

    let filteredImg = context.createImageData(w, h);

    for (let y = 0; y < h; y  ) {
        for (let x = 0; x < w; x  ) {

            let Gx = filter1[0] * pixel.data[(w * y   -1   x - 1) * 4]  
                filter1[1] * pixel.data[(w * y   -1   x) * 4]  
                filter1[2] * pixel.data[(w * y   -1   x   1) * 4]  

                filter1[3] * pixel.data[(w * y   x - 1) * 4]  
                filter1[4] * pixel.data[(w * y   x) * 4]  
                filter1[5] * pixel.data[(w * y   x   1) * 4]  

                filter1[6] * pixel.data[(w * y    1   x - 1) * 4]  
                filter1[7] * pixel.data[(w * y    1   x) * 4]  
                filter1[8] * pixel.data[(w * y    1   x   1) * 4];

            let Gy = filter2[0] * pixel.data[(w * y   -1   x - 1) * 4]  
                filter2[1] * pixel.data[(w * y   -1   x) * 4]  
                filter2[2] * pixel.data[(w * y   -1   x   1) * 4]  

                filter2[3] * pixel.data[(w * y   x - 1) * 4]  
                filter2[4] * pixel.data[(w * y   x) * 4]  
                filter2[5] * pixel.data[(w * y   x   1) * 4]  

                filter2[6] * pixel.data[(w * y    1   x - 1) * 4]  
                filter2[7] * pixel.data[(w * y    1   x) * 4]  
                filter2[8] * pixel.data[(w * y    1   x   1) * 4];

            let G = Math.sqrt(Gx * Gx   Gy * Gy); // compute total magnitude
            G = G/4; // normalize value;

            filteredImg.data[(w * y   x) * 4] = G;
            filteredImg.data[(w * y   x) * 4   1] = G;
            filteredImg.data[(w * y   x) * 4   2] = G;
            filteredImg.data[(w * y   x) * 4   3] = 255;
    context.putImageData(filteredImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);

CodePudding user response:

When the code says, for example: (w * y -1 x - 1) * 4, you're not getting the pixel to the upper left, you're getting the current row at x-2. The expression should be:

// expression for pixel that's at (x-1, y-1) over-parenthesized for clarity
((w * (y-1))   (x-1)) * 4

For clarity, put the index computation in one place, like:

const pixelDataAt = (x,y) => pixel.data[4 * (w*y   x)];

Then call this in the loop with the simple convolution neighborhood:

let Gx = filter1[0] * pixelDataAt(x-1, y-1)  
         filter1[0] * pixelDataAt(x  , y-1)   //...

/* where the convolution neighborhood for each filter is 

  (x-1, y-1), (x,   y-1), (x 1, y-1)
  (x-1, y  ),             (x 1, y  )
  (x-1, y 1), (x,   y 1), (x 1, y 1)


This will make the code simpler to read and debug, and, if needed, simpler to optimize by caching redundant calculations.

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