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How to filter/sum array data by year/quarter?


Trying to consolidate dividend data by year and quarter from an object from this enter image description here

function test() {
  const url = 'https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/BAYRY?formatted=true&lang=en-US&region=US&interval=1d&period1=1451624400&period2=1577854799&events=div&useYfid=true&corsDomain=finance.yahoo.com';
  const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { muteHttpExceptions: true }).getContentText();;
  const obj = JSON.parse(res);
  const dividend_id = Object.keys(obj.chart.result[0].events.dividends);
  var dividend = dividend_id.map((id => [

  var dividend = dividend.map(arr => [new Date(arr[0] * 1000).toLocaleDateString('en-US'), arr[1]]);

  var dividend = dividend.map(arr => [(arr[0].slice(-4)   ' Q'   (getQuarter(new Date(arr[0])))), arr[1]]);

  function getQuarter(date = new Date()) {
    return Math.floor(date.getMonth() / 3   1);


CodePudding user response:

Here is how I would do it. I would use the Date to get the year and build an array for each year [year,0,0,0,0]. Then use the year to find the array for that year and the month to find the quarter as index into the arrays.

function getDividends() {
  const url = 'https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/BAYRY?formatted=true&lang=en-US&region=US&interval=1d&period1=1451624400&period2=1577854799&events=div&useYfid=true&corsDomain=finance.yahoo.com';
  const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { muteHttpExceptions: true }).getContentText();;
  const obj = JSON.parse(res);
  const dividend_id = Object.keys(obj.chart.result[0].events.dividends);
  var dividend = dividend_id.map((id => [

  let quarters = [];

  dividend.forEach( item => {
      let day = new Date(item[0]*1000);
      let year = day.getFullYear();
      if( year > 2017 ) {
        let i = quarters.findIndex( quarter => quarter[0] === year );
        if( i < 0 ) {
          i = quarters.length-1;
        let j = Math.floor(day.getMonth()/4) 1;
        quarters[i][j] = quarters[i][j] item[1];

  dividend = [];
  quarters = quarters.forEach( quarter => {
      for( let i=1; i<5; i   ) {
        dividend.push([(quarter[0] " Q" i),quarter[i]]);

Execution log

9:33:08 AM  Notice  Execution started
9:33:09 AM  Info    
  [ [ '2018 Q1', 0 ],
  [ '2018 Q2', 1.2289999999999999 ],
  [ '2018 Q3', 0 ],
  [ '2018 Q4', 0 ],
  [ '2019 Q1', 0.789 ],
  [ '2019 Q2', 0 ],
  [ '2019 Q3', 0 ],
  [ '2019 Q4', 0 ] ]
9:33:09 AM  Notice  Execution completed


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