Home > OS >  Can you tell me the bat file of Windows to Linux sh file
Can you tell me the bat file of Windows to Linux sh file


@ echo off
Set the JAVA_HOME=C: \ Java \ jdk1.5.0 _07
Set the JAVA=% JAVA_HOME % \ bin \ JAVA
The set JAVAC=% JAVA_HOME % \ bin \ JAVAC
The set=CP1.
The set CP1=% % CP1; % JAVA_HOME % \ lib \ tools. Jar; The % JAVA_HOME % \ lib \ dt. Jar; % JAVA_HOME % \ jre \ lib \ rt jar

Rem Create the classpath
Set the CP=
For % % I in (lib \ * jar) do call cp. The bat % % I

Set the CP=% % CP1; CP % %
Rem echo CP % %
@ echo +=================================+
@ echo + TIPS news * * * shunt shunt v1.0 [real] level + * * *
@ echo + * * * * * * * * * * * in June 2010, * * * * * * * * * * * * * +
@ echo +=================================+
The echo...

Rem pause
News title TIPS [real] level shunt shunt application v1.0
Color 2 f

JAVA % % - Xms512m - Xmx512m - cp % cp % com. Just. Msgdisp. System. BootStart
JAVA: % % - Xms256m - Xmx512m - cp % cp % - jar lib \ dispatcher jar
JAVA: % % - Xms256m - Xmx512m - cp % cp % com. The shift. Thread. MQMultiThreadPutGetMessageId


CodePudding user response:

1. Change the set for the export
2. The variable reference way change into $JAVA_HOME % JAVA_HOME %
3. Rem replaced with #
4. The title command to echo (also can be the entire line delete)
5. Paths for Linux
6. The for loop to the format of the shell under
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