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There should be exactly one item with Dropdownbutton's value


Im very begginer in flutter and I'm trying to put 4 dropdownbuttons and when I change the value for the second one I get error:

There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: Dollars. Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value 'package:dropdown_button2/dropdown_button2.dart': package:dropdown_button2/dropdown_button2.dart:1 Failed assertion: line 1128 pos 11: 'items == null || items.isEmpty || value == null || items.where((DropdownMenuItem item) { return item.value == value; }).length == 1'

There is the first one working:

String lang = 'English';
 var items = [
             child: DropdownButton2(
               items: items
                     (item) => DropdownMenuItem<String>(
                       value: item,
                       child: Text(
                         style: const TextStyle(
                           fontSize: 14,
               value: lang,
               onChanged: (String? newValue) {
                 setState(() {
                   lang = newValue!;

And the second one that isn't

String currency = 'Dollars';
  var curriencies = [
                    child: DropdownButtonFormField2(
                      items: curriencies
                            (currency) => DropdownMenuItem<String>(
                              value: currency,
                              child: Text(
                                style: const TextStyle(
                                  fontSize: 14,
                      value: currency,
                      onChanged: (String? newValue) {
                        setState(() {
                          currency = newValue!;

I changed the values, but it's still same

CodePudding user response:

As the error suggest Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value. Value of currency variable is Dollars and there is no Dollars in curriencies list hence it gives a null value error. Change the currency value from Dollars to Dollar : -

String currency = 'Dollar';

CodePudding user response:

You are getting that error because, in Flutter drop-down menu, the current value must be the first value in the list of current drop-downs options.

So the first value in your list of dropdown items should be "Dollars" and your variable currency should also be "Dollars".

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