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Avoid building the same page 50 times


The problem I have is quite logic, but I have never thought of it before and I can not find any documentation about it:

The user will click on the city that he/she wants to get the service from (a city in the UK), but the pages of the cities are all the same with only two differences:

  1. The title which specifies the city.
  2. The phone number,which the user will call the company.
<li >
    <a href="eletricalpage.php">Electrical</a>
        <li >
    <a href="#">LONDON</a>
        <li><a href="#">Lewisham</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Greenwich</a></li>
<li >
    <a href="#">SOUTH EAST</a>
        <li><a href="#">Berkshire</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Southampton</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Guildford</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Maidstone</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Brighton</a></li>
<li >
    <a href="#">SOUTH WEST</a>
        <li><a href="#">Bristol</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Swindon</a></li>

Is there any way to avoid building 50 pages for the cities that the company offers its services in? I want to build only one page and then when the user clicks on the city, the page with the changed title and the changed number shows up. I want to get this done in PHP.

CodePudding user response:

You can do as little as create an array containing cities names and the phone number in the pages' script. Later, you can use the global variable $_GET to get the requested city via HTTP GET request to the page.

$cityPhoneNumbers = [
    "London" => "1234-555-1234",
    "Manchester" => "1266-555-4321",
$requestedCity = $_GET["city"];
if (!empty($requestedCity)) {
    if (!empty($cityPhoneNumbers[$requestedCity])) { ?>
        Our number in <?=htmlspecialchars($requestedCity) ?> is <?= $cityPhoneNumbers[
 ] ?>
        <?php }

You can now link to this page like this: /number.php?city=London To avoid using the question mark in your URL you may use Apache mod_rewrite or similar.

CodePudding user response:

Try this:


// getInfo.php

$cities = [
  'Lewisham' => ['title' => 'Title for Lewisham', 'phone_number' => ' 41xxxxxxx'],
  'Greenwich' => ['title' => 'Title for Greenwich', 'phone_number' => ' 41xxxxxxx'],
  // And more...

// Get the city name from input
$city = htmlspecialchars($_GET['city']);

// Get the city information from your data
$city_info = $cities[$city];


// Include your single page to display information
include "displayInfo.php";


// displayInfo.php

        Phone number in <?=$city?> is: <?=$city_info['phone_number']?>

And in your html you should link the cities to the getInfo.php file like this:

<li><a href="getInfo.php?city=Lewisham">Lewisham</a></li>


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