i deleted minikube using minikube delete --all command
and when type minikube version appears and the command still works
how to delete any thing related to minikube and kubectl also
CodePudding user response:
if you downloaded minikube binary file, just delete the file. minikube working just binary file and don`t use specific dependencies for lib. but minikube use virtlib tool for vm orchestration.
if you delete virtlib and all not usable dependencies on centos, run yum autoremove qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install
CodePudding user response:
It would appear that many users are having trouble removing programs like Minikube from their systems. Some have issues when the program is uninstalled, while others have issues when the program is removed.
Refer this GIT LINK and Stack link to resolve your issue