I have JSON data from a website, where I am trying to create a pandas dataframe from the data. It seems like I have a list of dictionaries that is nested in a dictionary and I am not sure what to do. My goal was to create key,value pairs and then make them into a dataframe.
import requests
import pandas as pd
search_url = 'https://data.europa.eu/api/hub/statistics/data/num-datasets'
response = requests.get(search_url)
I was able to get the data into my notebook, but I am not sure the best way to get data out of the dictionaries into lists to create a dataframe.
I tried to use pd.json_normalize(), but it didn't work.
The output looks like this:
{'name': 'count',
'stats': [{'date': '2019-08-01', 'count': 877625.0},
{'date': '2019-09-01', 'count': 895697.0},
{'date': '2020-10-01', 'count': 1161894.0},
{'date': '2020-11-01', 'count': 1205046.0},
{'date': '2020-12-01', 'count': 1184899.0},
{'date': '2023-01-01', 'count': 1503404.0}]}
My goal is to have two columns in a pd.Dataframe:
- Date
- Count
CodePudding user response:
d={'name': 'count',
'stats': [{'date': '2019-08-01', 'count': 877625.0},
{'date': '2019-09-01', 'count': 895697.0},
{'date': '2020-10-01', 'count': 1161894.0},
{'date': '2020-11-01', 'count': 1205046.0},
{'date': '2020-12-01', 'count': 1184899.0},
{'date': '2023-01-01', 'count': 1503404.0}]}
date count
0 2019-08-01 877625.0
1 2019-09-01 895697.0
2 2020-10-01 1161894.0
3 2020-11-01 1205046.0
4 2020-12-01 1184899.0
5 2023-01-01 1503404.0