When I connect iOS device with 16.2 OS version.
Xcode shows unsupported OS version.
Because I don't have the device support files for iOS 16.2
So how can I download the device support files for iOS 16.2.
CodePudding user response:
You can download device support files at https://github.com/filsv/iOSDeviceSupport but if you want to get 16.2 then it should be enough to download the latest version of Xcode. I have iOS version 16.2 and have version of Xcode 14.2 (14C18).
CodePudding user response:
Without updating Xcode, you need to put the relevant device file in the DeviceSupport section and run Xcode again. DeviceSupport files are located here.use this command
cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
You can download iOS 16.2 devicesupport file from here, then you need to unzip (download 16.0 and rename it to 16.2), then you need to put it in DeviceSupport section on your mac.
When you restart Xcode, there should be no problem.