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Ruby: Are these two methods of mixing-in module methods equivalent?


I have a module and a class.

module Dog
  def speak

class Daschund; end

I create two separate instances of the class.

sausage = Daschund.new
saveloy = Daschund.new

If I want to add Dog#woof as an instance method of my two new objects, I can do it in two ways:

class << sausage
  include Dog
> sausage.speak
=> "woof"
saveloy.extend Dog
> saveloy.speak
=> "woof"

Are the two methods equivalent? I know the first adds the module's method to the object's meta-class. Does object#extend do the same thing? Or is it doing something slightly different? Is there any way to prove this?

CodePudding user response:

According to the docs for Object, extending an object with a module means including that module to the object's singleton class:

extend: Includes the given modules in the singleton class of self.

Inspecting the ancestors of both objects' singleton classes confirms this:

#=> [#<Class:#<Daschund:0x00007fa6af92e868>>, Dog, Daschund, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

#=> [#<Class:#<Daschund:0x00007fa6af92e778>>, Dog, Daschund, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

The actual implementation details of course depend on the Ruby implementation and version you are using. For MRI/YARV, you have rb_extend_object defined as:

rb_extend_object(VALUE obj, VALUE module)
    rb_include_module(rb_singleton_class(obj), module);
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