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dplyr rowwise summarise by column, grouped by name


Let's consider this simple dataset

df <- data.frame(a1 = rnorm(5), a2 = rnorm(5), a3 = rnorm(5), 
                 b1 = rnorm(5), b2 = rnorm(5), b3 = rnorm(5),
                 c1 = rnorm(5), c2 = rnorm(5), c3 = rnorm(5))

Which looks like

          a1         a2         a3         b1         b2         b3        c1          c2         c3
1  0.5855288 -1.8179560 -0.1162478  0.8168998  0.7796219  1.8050975 0.8118732  0.49118828  1.1285108
2  0.7094660  0.6300986  1.8173120 -0.8863575  1.4557851 -0.4816474 2.1968335 -0.32408658 -2.3803581
3 -0.1093033 -0.2761841  0.3706279 -0.3315776 -0.6443284  0.6203798 2.0491903 -1.66205024 -1.0602656
4 -0.4534972 -0.2841597  0.5202165  1.1207127 -1.5531374  0.6121235 1.6324456  1.76773385  0.9371405
5  0.6058875 -0.9193220 -0.7505320  0.2987237 -1.5977095 -0.1623110 0.2542712  0.02580105  0.8544517

Now, I would like to get the mean of columns starting with a specific letter, specified in a vector.

So, for instance if I have

cols <- c("a", "c")

I'd like to output a dataframe with two columns (a and c) containing the mean of the a1/a2/a3 and c1/c2/c3 columns respectively.

            a          c
1 -0.449558319  0.8105241
2  1.052292204 -0.1692037
3 -0.004953185 -0.2243752
4 -0.072480153  1.4457733
5 -0.354655514  0.3781747

I've been playing around with starts_with and row_wise but I can't quite get the correct syntax.

CodePudding user response:

select columns that starts_with a or c, then use split.default to split the columns, and apply rowMeans on each of the groups:

select(df, starts_with(cols)) %>% 
  split.default(gsub("\\d", "", names(.))) %>% 

         a      c
1 -0.450    0.811
2  1.05    -0.169
3 -0.00495 -0.224
4 -0.0725   1.45 
5 -0.355    0.378

Note that the gsub part might need to be changed depending on the structure of your column names.

CodePudding user response:

Calculate mean for all column groups, then subset:

data.frame(lapply(split.default(df, gsub("\\d", "", colnames(df))), rowMeans))[, cols]

Depending on the actual data it might be more efficient to get the means then subset.

Edit: Subsetting then getting mean is faster for bigger data.

ix <- gsub("\\d", "", colnames(df)) %in% cols
x1 <- data.frame(lapply(split.default(df[, ix], gsub("\\d", "", colnames(df)[ ix ])), rowMeans))

CodePudding user response:




n = 100000 * 10 * 10
set.seed(12345); df <- data.frame(matrix(runif(n), ncol = 100))
colnames(df) <- make.unique(rep(letters[1:10], each = 10), sep = "")
cols <- letters[c(1,3,7,9)]


  base1 = {
    ix <- gsub("\\d", "", colnames(df)) %in% cols
    data.frame(lapply(split.default(df[, ix], gsub("\\d", "", colnames(df)[ ix ])), rowMeans))
  base2 = {
    data.frame(lapply(split.default(df, gsub("\\d", "", colnames(df))), rowMeans))[, cols]    
  tidy1 = {
    select(df, starts_with(cols)) %>% 
      split.default(gsub("\\d", "", names(.))) %>% 
  tidy2 = {
    split.default(df, gsub("\\d", "", names(df))) %>% 
      map_dfc(rowMeans) %>% 
  tidy3 = {
    df %>%
      mutate(map_df(set_names(cols), ~ rowMeans(across(starts_with(.x)))), .keep = "none")
  check = "equivalent"
# Unit: milliseconds
#  expr     min       lq      mean   median       uq      max neval
# base1 26.8613 29.42070  36.75314 33.28410  40.9296 114.7524   100
# base2 67.9460 80.95455  94.08483 86.47900 100.4189 200.9891   100
# tidy1 33.8004 36.53475  44.94198 44.44600  49.8111  76.5831   100
# tidy2 73.4420 89.79525 101.52422 97.48275 108.5292 294.6857   100
# tidy3 39.8900 44.37110  53.25316 52.23770  56.4041  99.9845   100

CodePudding user response:

You can iterate across the selector values inside a mutate() call:


df %>%
  mutate(map_df(set_names(cols), ~ rowMeans(across(starts_with(.x)))), .keep = "none")

             a          c
1 -0.449558319  0.8105241
2  1.052292204 -0.1692037
3 -0.004953185 -0.2243752
4 -0.072480153  1.4457733
5 -0.354655514  0.3781747

CodePudding user response:

cbind.data.frame(df %>% select(starts_with("a")) %>% 
  rowMeans() %>% 
  cbind.data.frame() %>% 
  df %>% select(starts_with("b")) %>% 
                       rowMeans() %>% 
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