I am creating an App, and I have such a problem. This function reads string from TextView, splits it on the operator, then converts these things to Int, and calculates them. When I call this function, the app crashes. Everything works fine if I delete these two "toInt()" lines - but it does not make the job it's supposed to do. How to solve it?
Here's the code:
fun onEqual(operator: String){
var txtValue = displayResult.text.toString()
var splitValue = txtValue.split(operator)
var firstValue = splitValue[0]
var secValue = splitValue[1]
var frst = firstValue.toInt() //if i delete these two lines, app does not crash
var sec = secValue.toInt() //if i delete these two lines, app does not crash
Thanks for any help!!!
I tried setting the operator variable to null, changing these two lines from toInt() to toDouble(), and also changing names of the variables - none of these solutions worked.
CodePudding user response:
In the documentation of toInt method, you can read that when that method can't convert a given string to Int it throws an exception. However, String has also a method toIntOrNull that in that case returns null instead of throwing an exception. If you don't want to have a crash you can use that method but you instead must check if your variables first and sec are not null.