I'm subscribed to an observable in my Fragment, the observable listens for some user input from three different sources.
The main issue is that once I navigate to another Fragment and return to the one with the subscription, the data is duplicated as the observable is handled twice.
What is the correct way to handle a situation like this?
I've migrated my application to a Single-Activity and before it, the subscription was made in the activity without any problem.
Here is my Fragment code:
class ProductsFragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences
private var _binding: FragmentProductsBinding? = null
private val binding get() = _binding!!
private val viewModel: ProductsViewModel by viewModels()
private val scanner: CodeReaderViewModel by activityViewModels()
private fun observeBarcode() {
scanner.barcode.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { barcode ->
if (barcode.isNotEmpty()) {
if (binding.searchView.isIconified) {
addProduct(barcode) // here if the fragment is resumed from a backstack the data is duplicated.
if (!binding.searchView.isIconified) {
binding.searchView.setQuery(barcode, true)
private fun addProduct(barcode: String) {
if (barcode.isEmpty()) {
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
if (args.documentType == "Etichette") {
binding.cvLabels.visibility = View.VISIBLE
private fun observe() {
CodePudding user response:
Every time you call
You are creating a new anonymous observer. So every new call to observe will add another observer that will get onChanged callbacks. You could move this observer out to be a property. With this solution observe won't register new observers.
class property
val observer = Observer<String> { onChanged() }
inside your method
scanner.barcode.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, observer)
Alternatively you could keep your observe code as is but move it to a Fragment's callback that only gets called once fex. onCreate(). onCreate gets called only once per fragment instance whereas onViewCreated gets called every time the fragment's view is created.
CodePudding user response:
Unfortunately, LiveData is a terribly bad idea (the way it was designed), Google insisted till they kinda phased it out (but not really since it's still there) that "it's just a value holder"...
Anyway... not to rant too much, the solution you have to use can be:
Use The "SingleLiveEvent" (method is officially "deprecated now" but... you can read more about it here).
Follow the "official guidelines" and use a Flow instead, as described in the official guideline for handling UI Events.