I have this input-
"\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?"
I want this output-
"What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?",
"How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?",
"What are the advantages of using Vue?",
"Does Vue support server-side rendering?",
"Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?",
"Does Vue have a built-in router?",
I tried this-
let string = "\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?"
// First, remove all line breaks and two strings
string = string.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace('Open Ended Questions:', '').replace('Closed Ended Questions:', '');
// Split the string from this format, "<integer><dot><space>"
let result = string.split(/(\d )\.\ /);
// Filter the only items which are not empty and not a number
result = result.filter(item => item && isNaN(item));
// Final result
Code explanation-.
- Firstly, I removed all line breaks and some non-required strings.
- Secondly, I split the string from this format
, i.e."1. ", "2. "
, etc. - At last, filtered only the numeric points' statements in a separate array.
The solution is working fine but I am not sure if its the right way to do this, because of this hardcoded removal operation- replace('Open Ended Questions:', '').replace('Closed Ended Questions:', '')
Can anyone please suggest a better/non-complex/correct way to do this?
CodePudding user response:
- Split into lines
- Filter the lines (only keeping the lines that start with a number and followed by a dot)
- Map the lines (removing the enumerator)
const input = "\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?"
const lines = input.split('\n');
const listItems = lines afterwards
.filter((line) => /^(\d )./.test(line))
.map((line) => line.replace(/^(\d ). /, "");
CodePudding user response:
Iterate the lines from the input and if a line matches /^\d \.\s
(that is, digits-dot-spaces), put the rest of the line in the array:
input = "\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?"
output = []
for (let line of input.split('\n')) {
line = line.trim()
let m = line.match(/^\d \.\s (. )/)
if (m)
You can also do that with one single regular expression, but this would be less readable IMO:
input = "\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?"
output = [...input.matchAll(/^\d \.\s (. )/gm)].map(r => r[1])
CodePudding user response:
Using positive lookbehind (?<=)
and lookahead (?=)
const str = "\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?";
const items = str.match(/(?<=\n\d \. ). ?(?=\n|$)/gm)
Explanation on: Regex101.com
- lookbehind:
(?<=\n\d \. )
newline, one or more digits , dot, one or more spaces - non-greedy match
. ?
any character one or more times as few as possible - until lookahead:
newline or end of string
CodePudding user response:
In case you split with new line you will get
part 0: part 1: part 2: Open Ended Questions: part 3: 1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development? part 4: 2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks? part 5: 3. What are the advantages of using Vue? part 6: part 7: Closed Ended Questions: part 8: 1. Does Vue support server-side rendering? part 9: 2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript? part 10: 3. Does Vue have a built-in router?
Then you can filter empty and irrelevant rows.
Then remove numbers at the beginning.
CodePudding user response:
It depends on your input and if the question have always the same structure? If yes you have to define a regex that matches your questions format and from there you don't need to replace anything the sentences with empty strings:
let string = "\n\nOpen Ended Questions:\n1. What makes Vue a popular choice for web development?\n2. How does Vue compare to other JavaScript frameworks?\n3. What are the advantages of using Vue?\n\nClosed Ended Questions:\n1. Does Vue support server-side rendering?\n2. Is Vue compatible with TypeScript?\n3. Does Vue have a built-in router?"
// ([0-9]) is the question number and it has to be 1 or more than one character
// \. is the dot after question number
// . is your question
// (\?)? the first question mark after the question text
let regexp = /([0-9]) \.. (\?)?/g;
var questions = string.match(regexp);
var result = [];
questions.forEach((l) => result.push(l.replace(/([0-9]) \./g,'').trim()));