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Simpler Substitute Solution From Range In Column Within Formula W/ Other Parameters


Thanks ahead of time for any ideas!

I have a formula I'm utilizing to trim down on selection of words I'd like to eliminate from an output using SUBSTITUTE:

=ArrayFormula(sort(unique(trim(lower(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(flatten(split(B:B," ")),A2,""),A3,""),A4,""),A5,""),A6,""),A7,""),A8,""),A9,""),A10,""))))))

As I go through my process, the words for substitution grows, leading to the necessity of adding yet another substitute to my formula.

If there's any other ingenious way of not having to do this, but rather consider any word in Column A for substitution, that'd be optimal.

Here's some sample data; and please don't hesitate with any questions, or thoughts:

  • enter image description here

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