I am trying to build a PostgreSQL database. I used the sample program provided by Google Colab, [postgres_python_connector.ipynb] at https://colab.research.google.com/github/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-python-connector/blob/main/samples/notebooks/postgres_python_connector.ipynb#scrollTo=D3xMRsBl3Ihl.
I got an error of "ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ratings ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, genre VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rating FLOAT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));'" when I executed the following code:
# connect to connection pool
with pool.connect() as db_conn:
# create ratings table in our movies database
"genre VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rating FLOAT NOT NULL, "
"PRIMARY KEY (id));"
Please help! Thanks!
I also tried the MySQL version of sample code. It has the same error. Both versions were last modified about 6 months ago.
CodePudding user response:
The ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object error message typically occurs in the context of Python when you try to run an object (such as a module or a function) that is not an executable file. This error can occur when you attempt to run a script that has the wrong file extension or is not a valid executable file.
To resolve the issue, make sure that the file you are trying to run is a valid Python script and has a .py extension. You can also try executing the script using the Python interpreter, for example, by running python script.py in the command line.
If you are still encountering the error after verifying the above, there might be an issue with the Python installation or the environment variables, you can try reinstalling Python or checking the environment variables to see if they are set correctly.
CodePudding user response:
The error message "ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ratings ...'" occurs when the object being executed is not a valid executable object. In this case, it appears that the code is trying to execute a string representation of a SQL command.
It is possible that the error is caused by a missing library or incorrect connection to the database. To resolve the issue, ensure that the required libraries are installed and the database connection is established correctly. Additionally, you can check if the SQL syntax is correct and if the table you are trying to create doesn't already exist.
You can also try using a different method for executing the SQL command, such as using the cursor object from the database connection, or using the SQLAlchemy ORM to create the table.