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Linux command


File management
The cat - the file to the standard output

The CHGRP - change document belong to group

Chmod - changes file mode

Chown - to change the file owner and subordinate group

Cp - copies files and directory

File - determine file type

Find searches for a file
Free - display system memory information

The beginning of the head - print file

Less - less IS MORE

Ln - create links

Mv - move or rename files

Rm - delete files and directories

The ending part of the tail - print file

Umask - displays or sets the file mode mask values

Document editing
Wc - statistical file the number of lines, words and bytes

The grep - regular search text

Sort - line sort text file

Uniq - notice or ignore duplicate lines

File transfer
FTP - network file transfer tool

SCP - remote file copy

Disk management
CD - switch working directory

Df - reports of disk space usage

Ls - listed directory content

The mkdir - create a directory

Disk maintenance

Network communication
Arp, arp cache of the operating system

The curl - transfer - a URL

Netstat - check the network Settings and the related statistical data

Ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to web host

Route - to display or operation routing table

Ss: check the socket statistics

Traceroute - a datagram transmission path tracking

Wget - not interactive web downloader

System management
Bg - the process to switch to the background

Fg - will process to switch to the front desk

Id - according to the user's identity

Jobs - state information display background job

Kill to process signal

Killall - process sends a signal via the process name

Lsof - list open files

Printenv - print all or part of the environmental information

Ps - shows a snapshot of the current process

Service - service management system

Su - to the identity of the other user and group ids to run shell

Sudo - as another user

Top - dynamic display process information

W - show the login of the user and the currently executing task

System Settings
Alias - sets or displays the alias

The at - at a specified time

Crontab - task scheduling

Export - set or display environment variable

Passwd - change user password

Watch - repeatedly execute commands, full screen output

Backup compression
Bzip2 - block sorting file compression

Gzip - compressing and decompressing files

Tar - tape archive tool

Zip - packaging and compressed file

Other commands
Echo - shows a line of text

History - to display or operating history list

Classification: Linux, the Table of Contents
Tags: Linux
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