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Linux root filled can not find the reason, urgent, urgent, urgent ask the great spirit guide


Reason: the root directory of the oracle database server utilization rate reached 100%
Processing: delete the LOG files, and restart the server or the same
Server as follows:
[root @ otcdb1/] # df - leisure
The Filesystem Size, informs the Avail Use % Mounted on
/dev/sda3 83 g to 79 g 0 100%/
Proc 0 0 0 -/proc
Sysfs 0 0 0 -/sys
Devpts 0 0 0 -/dev/PTS
TMPFS 32 g 52 k g 1%/dev/SHM
/dev/sda1 41 m 190 m 140 m 23%/boot
/dev/sdb1 394 g to 106 g to 268 g 29%/db
None 0 0 0 -/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
None 0 0 0 -/sys/kernel/config

[root @ otcdb1/] # du - SKH
Du: unable to access "./proc/119298/task/119298/fd/4 ": not the file or directory
Du: unable to access "./proc/119298/task/119298/fdinfo/4 ": not the file or directory
Du: unable to access "./proc/119298/fd/4 ": not the file or directory
Du: unable to access "./proc/119298/fdinfo/4 ": not the file or directory
120 g.

[root @ otcdb1/] # df -i
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse % Mounted on
/dev/sda3, 5496832, 238088, 5258744 5%/
TMPFS 8245324 14 8245310 1%/dev/SHM
/dev/sda1 51200 39 51161 1%/boot
/dev/sdb1, 26214400, 91, 26214309 1%/db

[root @ otcdb1/] # free - g
Total 2 free Shared buffers cached
Mem: 62 52 10 0 0 0
51 11 -/+ buffers/cache:
Swap: 17 0 17

[root @ otcdb1/] # lsof | grep does
[root @ otcdb1/] #

[root @ otcdb1/] # du - h - x - Max - the depth=1
258 m./home
12 k./. Dbus
4.0 k./MNT
176 m./lib
608 k./TMP
4.0 k./db
5.3 G/usr
16 k./. SFTP
3.1 m./root
12 m./bin
4.0 k./SRV
4.0 k./media
K./lost 16 + found
47 m./etc
23 m./sbin
4.0 k./cgroup
4.9 G/opt
2.0 k./boot
1.3 G/var
32 m./lib64
8.0 k./app

[root @ otcdb1/] # ls - al
total amount 2097282
Dr - xr - xr - x. 29 root root 4096 on October 23. Keep
Dr - xr - xr - x. 4096 October 29 root root 23 he..
DRWXR xr - x. 3 root root November 14, 2016, 4096 app
Rw - r - r -. 1 root root 0 on October 23. Keep autofsck
Dr - xr - xr - x. 2 root root 4096 October 23 17:11 bin
Dr - xr - xr - x. 5 root root on August 22, 1024 05:43 boot
DRWXR - xr - x. 10 root root on September 12, 4096, 2016 cgroup
DRWXR - xr - x. 4 root root 4096 on November 23, 2016 db
DRWX -- -- -- -- -- -. 3 root root on September 12, 2016. 4096 dbus
DRWXR - xr - x. 16 root root 3700 October 23 "dev
DRWXR xr - x. 151 root root 12288 October 26 10:53 etc
DRWXR xr - x. 3 root root 4096 on February 10, 2017 home
Dr - xr - xr - x. 13 root root on September 12, 4096, 2016 lib
Dr - xr - xr - x. 11 root root 12288 on September 12, 2016 lib64
DRWX -- -- -- -- -- -. 2 root root on September 12, 16384, 2016 lost + found
DRWXR - xr - x. 2 root root 4096 on September 13, 2016 media
DRWXR xr - x. 2 root root 0 on October 23 "misc
DRWXR - xr - x. 2 root root on June 28, 4096, 2011 MNT
DRWXR xr - x. 2 root root 0 on October 23 ".net
DRWXR - xr - x. 5 root root on September 14, 2016, 4096 opt
Dr - xr - xr - x. 481 root root 0 on October 23, proc keep
Dr - xr - x -. 26 root root 4096 October 23 "root
Dr - xr - xr - x. 2 root root 12288 October 23 "sbin
DRWXR xr - x. 7 root root 0 on October 23, selinux keep
DRWXR - xr - x. 2 root root better 4096 on September 29, SFTP
DRWXR - xr - x. 2 root root on June 28, 4096, 2011 the SRV
- RWXRWXRWX. 1 root root on August 22, 2147483648 05:46 swapfile
DRWXR xr - x. 13 root root 0 on October 23, sys keep
DRWXRWXRWT. 10 root root 4096 October 23 cuthah TMP
DRWXR - xr - x. 13 root root on September 12, 4096, 2016 usr
23 root root DRWXR xr - x. 4096 on September 12, 2016 var

Can't find the footprint
Ask everybody a great god help, thank you!

CodePudding user response:

Look at the database default location will have a large file is historical data under normal circumstances is cannot be deleted if no poisoning expansion.

CodePudding user response:

To the overall use of space is 120 g, at present is the db directory using 106 g not mounted under the root directory, the root directory should only use 14 g, why there are displayed DF is 79 g, fill