But found that there is a problem is, direct access to the https://fphs5.com/will not jump, HTTP status returns show 200 (error)
Want to make the domain name https://fphs5.com/, normal 301 jump to https://www.fphs5.com/
Daniel, please indicate the
The code is as follows: [Nginx server]
Listen, 80;
# listen [: :] : 80;
Server_name www.fphs5.com fphs5.com;
If ($host!='www.fphs5.com') {
Rewrite ^/(. *) $https://www.fphs5.com/$1 permanent;
} index index. HTML index. HTM index. The default PHP, HTML default. HTM. Default PHP;
The include PHPCMS. Conf;
Include other. Conf;
Error_page 404/404. HTML;
If ($ssl_protocol="") {return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }
Include the enable - PHP. Conf.
The location ~. * \. (GIF | JPG | jpeg | PNG | BMP | SWF) $
expires 30d;
The location ~. * \. (js) | CSS? $
Expires 12 h;
The location ~/\.
Deny all;
The location ~ * (/chuangyi/data/|/chuangyi/templets/|/feipin/data/|/feipin/templets/|/tupian/data/|/tupian/templets/)
Deny all;
return 404;
Access_log off;
443 SSL http2 listen;
SSL http2 # listen [: :] : 443.
Server_name www.fphs5.com fphs5.com;
Index index. HTML index. HTM index. The default PHP, HTML default. HTM. Default PHP;
SSL on;
Ssl_session_timeout 5 m;
Ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
Ssl_ciphers "EECDH + CHACHA20: EECDH + CHACHA20 - draft: EECDH + either AES128: RSA + either AES128: EECDH + AES256: RSA + AES256: EECDH + 3 des, RSA + 3 des:! MD5 ";
Ssl_session_cache builtin: 1000 Shared: SSL: 10 m;
# openssl dhparam - out/usr/local/nginx/conf/SSL/dhparam pem 2048
Ssl_dhparam/usr/local/nginx/conf/SSL/dhparam pem.
The include PHPCMS. Conf;
Error_page 404/404. HTML;
# to Deny access to the PHP files in specific directory
# the location ~/(wp - content | uploads | wp - includes | images)/. * \. PHP ${deny all; }
Include the enable - PHP - pathinfo. Conf;
The location ~. * \. (GIF | JPG | jpeg | PNG | BMP | SWF) $
expires 30d;
The location ~. * \. (js) | CSS? $
Expires 12 h;
The location ~/. Well - known {
Allow all;
The location ~/\.
Deny all;
Access_log off;