Root @ master:/apps/hbase/bin# start - hbase. Sh
Localhost: starting zookeeper, logging to/apps/hbase/bin/../logs/hbase - root - zookeeper - master. Out
Starting the master, logging to/apps/hbase/logs/hbase - root - master - master. Out
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=128 m; The support was removed in 8.0
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128 m; The support was removed in 8.0
Starting regionserver, logging to/apps/hbase/logs/hbase - root - 1 - regionserver - master. Out
Root @ master:/apps/hbase/bin# JPS
6561 the DataNode
2293 the NameNode
6950 the ResourceManager
7128 NodeManager
7736 HQuorumPeer
8042 the Jps
6781 SecondaryNameNode
With hadoop version: hadoop 2.7.5
Hbase version: hbase 1.2.6
The JDK 8
Before the start of a few times no problem running experiments, checked hbase and JDK8 also compatible
CodePudding user response:
See have no log an error?