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The difference between CentOS and Red Hat


CentOS description

Short for CentOS is the Community ENTerprise Operating System, we have a lot of people call it the Community ENTerprise Operating System, no matter what you call it, it is a Linux Operating System release,

CentOS is not a new Linux distributions, if say the name Red Hat, everyone seems to have heard, in the Red Hat family Enterprise version of the product, it is a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (hereinafter called the RHEL), CentOS clone of the RHEL, RHEL is a lot of enterprises to adopt Linux distributions, need pay to the Red Hat to use, and can get paying service and technical support and upgrade, CentOS can build like RHEL Linux environment, but don't need to Red Hat to pay any cost of products and services at the same time also can not get any paid technical support and upgrade services,

Red Hat in the company's products, Red Hat Linux (such as Redhat8, 9), and in view of the Enterprise issued version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, can free FTP through the network to obtain and use, but in 2003, Red Hat Linux stopped publishing, it projects by the Fedora Project would be replaced by the Project, and in the name of Fedora Core issue and provide free use of ordinary users, Fedora Core the Linux distributions update soon, about half a year or so there will be a new release, the current version is a Fedora Core 6, flavor is thick, the Fedora Core test every issue has new functions are added to them, get the successful result will be the way RHEL release, even so, frequent unrest was improved updated product is not the best choice for Enterprise, most enterprises will choose paid RHEL product (it has a deep meaning, such as Enterprise use Linux to make money, earn money to return to the Enterprise, capital circulation between the enterprises, repay society, improve the service level, etc.),

In constitutes RHEL most packages, and is based on the released under the GPL, or what we often say that open source software, because that is the case, Red Hat company also follow this agreement, will constitute a RHEL package released, as long as it is to follow the GPL, anyone can on the basis of the original software constitute development and release again, such is CentOS in RHEL composition of RHEL clone reproduction will be the basis of a Linux distributions, cloning version not only CentOS a RHEL and White Box Enterprise Linux and TAO Linux and Scientific Linux (other these have never heard of, isn't it?) ,

Although RHEL clone, but not the same, say cloning is a compatibility with 100% (really?) The software, but does not guarantee the corresponding RHEL CentOS above 100% will also be able to work properly, and corresponding security vulnerabilities of modification and the software package upgrade RHEL paid service and technical support, a few days a few weeks months of delays have also didn't see how slow (actually),

The characteristics of the CentOS

In CentOS inside, we can see the full name of the Enterprise OS, that is to say, the Enterprise system, the Enterprise system is not an Enterprise level system, but it can provide the elements of Enterprise applications need,
For example:

Stable environment
Long-term support to upgrade
Strong conservative
Large-scale system is also able to exert good performance
CentOS satisfies the elements to meet the above element distribution and Fedora, Fedora and CentOS is very similar, but for CentOS and Fedora, provide more new features and software updates fast, so will increase a lot of work in the stability and the management, enterprise system environment should be required by a highly efficient and stable system environment, to be able to use for a long time after a build system environment, so the Fedora system environment of frequent updates such enterprise is not in the application, on the other hand, CentOS is able to meet the needs of the above companies, in numerous RHEL cloning version, CentOS is very outstanding is very good,

CentOS relations with RedHat

RedHat at the time of issuance, there are two ways: the issue of binary mode as well as the distribution of the source code, issued in either way, you can get free download (for example), and again, but if you use their online upgrade (including the patches) or consulting services, will have to pay,

RedHat has always been to provide the source code distribution, CentOS is set to release the source code to compile a RedHat, form a can use the binary version, due to the source code is the GNU Linux, so from for the RedHat source code to compile a new binary, are legally, only RedHat is a trademark, so must be in the new release will RedHat trademark,

RedHat attitude towards this kind of distribution is: "we are not against this kind of distribution, real pay users to us, they value is not the system itself, but what we provide business services," so, CentOS can get RedHat all functions, and even better software, but CentOS does not provide commercial support to users, and certainly not on any business responsibility,

If you want to transfer your RedHat to CentOS, because you do not wish to pay for RedHat upgrade, of course, you must have a rich experience with UNIX, so the RedHat business technology support is not important to you, but if you are a simple YeWuXing enterprise, so suggest you RedHat software and purchase the corresponding services of choose and buy, so I can save you IT management costs, and can get professional service,

In a word, use CentOS or RedHat, depends on whether your company has the corresponding technical force,

1, can the CentOS completely understood AS RedHat AS series! It is to improve the RedHat AS completely released after! All kinds of operation, use and RedHat no difference!

2, CentOS completely free, there is no need serial number problem like RedHat AS series,

3, CentOS particular yum command support online upgrade, can real-time update system, don't need to spend money on support services like RedHat!

4, CentOS revised many RedHat AS bugs!

5, CentOS release notes:

CentOS4.0 equivalent RedHat AS4

CentOS4.1 equivalent RedHat AS4 U1

CentOS4.2 equivalent RedHat AS4 U2

CentOS4.3 equivalent RedHat AS4 U3

CentOS4.4 equivalent RedHat AS4 U4

Redhat series

Two Linux Redhat product series:

One is free Fedora Core series, mainly for the desktop version, provides a more new features to support,

(note: the Red Hat in the company's products, have RedHat Linux (such as Redhat8, 9), and in view of the Enterprise issued version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, can free FTP through the network to obtain and use, but in 2003, Red Hat Linux stopped the development, which is why no Redhat10 reason, its Project have the Fedora Project would be replaced by the Project, and in the name of Fedora Core issue and provide free use of ordinary users, Fedora Core the Linux distributions update soon, there is a new version out about half a year or so, the current version is a Fedora Core 6, flavor is thick, the Fedora Core test every issue has new functions are added to them, get the successful result will be the way RHEL release, even so, frequent unrest was improved updated product it is not the best choice for Enterprise, most enterprises will choose paid RHEL product,)

2 it is charge of the Enterprise series, the series is divided into: the AS/ES/WS branches, such AS Red Hat Enterprise Linux: redhat Enterprise version, Jane writing: RHEL, version includes the following:

1, Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS

Red Hat enterprise Linux AS (Advanced Server) is the top products in the enterprise Linux solutions, it is designed for enterprise application and data center design, Red Hat enterprise Linux AS is the only support IBM I series, p series and z series product/S - 390 system, on the Intel X86 platform, Red Hat enterprise Linux AS can support 2 or more CPU and greater than 8 gb of memory, a typical Red Hat enterprise Linux AS applications are AS follows:

Database and database application software

WEB and middleware


2, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (Entry Server)

For Intel X86 market provides a portal from the enterprise to the enterprise middle application server operating system, CPU and it supports 1-2 less than 8 gb of memory system, it provides the same functions AS the Red Hat enterprise Linux AS the difference only lies in its support for smaller systems and lower costs, the typical Red Hat enterprise Linux ES applications are AS follows:

The company WEB architecture

Network edge applications (DHCP, DNS, firewall, etc.)

Mail and file/print service

Small and medium-sized database application software and department

3, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS

Red Hat enterprise Linux WS (Workstation) is a Red Hat enterprise Linux AS and ES desktop/client partners, Red Hat enterprise Linux WS support 1-2 of Intel and AMD CPU system, is the best environment for desktop applications, it contains a variety of commonly used desktop application software (Microsoft Office tools, email, instant messaging, browser, etc.), you can run a variety of client - server configuration tool, software development tools and various application software, such AS EDA and Oil/Gas applications), Red Hat enterprise Linux WS and server products from the same source code to compile, but it does not provide network services (e.g., DNS and DHCP), it is only suitable for the client application,

(note: the Advanced Server, abbreviated AS, AS in the standard Linux kernel, on the basis of the performance enhancement, and improved the reliability and integration of many common Server driver, can easily identify the common rack-mountable Server such AS IBM/DELL/HP devices such AS disk array CARDS, AS major version 2 x/3 x/4 x, which is what we call the AS3/AS4, every version has several upgrades, such AS the first launch of AS4, met with some updates and will be released at this time AS4 Update1, there will be more later of AS4 out/Update3 abbreviation AS4u1/AS4u2/AS4u3, this and Microsoft released form is also very similar, Microsoft's Windows NT4 from SP1 out to SP6, Windows out of the SP1 to SP4, etc., AS the main package version Update version contains all have certain difference, it is best not to mix, otherwise it is easy to appear problem, Prima and Plesk installation package, have all sorts of release for the specific design on the download page, usually identified, support what version and what the Update system,

ES, it is AS version, he and common AS series, is the difference between the AS support to more than 4 road CPU, CPU and ES can support two road, AS and ES on most packages, there is no difference, only have differences in the kernel, etc. A few packages, the AS and ES price difference is bigger, ES usually used in the server of the OEM version, buy buy DELL server, for example, collocation of Linux will be ES series, if you want to match the AS series, you will need to spend thousands of yuan,

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