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Please don't confuse behavior control network security industry


Please don't confuse behavior control network security industry

This paper discusses the application of behavior control difficulty, gives the specific solution,

1 my behavior control finally fire
Don't know since when, fire behavior control in network security, vaguely remember when I asked the boss around 2005 (teacher) behavior control concept, the boss said that's a good idea, but it seems to me that the space, because until today, the access control has always been the core of the system safety, in 5 years under such a background, behavior control, in my opinion, is a big breakthrough, as the boss this sentence, I have been to heart: does too, did not fall to the ground, but I have no way to solve, now see behavior control the fire, so it was kind of like the feeling of "bian and meet ChuWen king: was moved to want to cry,
2 behavior control is a difficult problem can't be born
But in the excitement, I was curious of the current popular behavior control do? Is now at home and abroad and solve the problem the abstractness of the behavior control? As is known to all, for computing system, anything can be calculated, the first thing to solve the problem of description, which gives the formal description, obviously, so also for behavior control, first to describe the behavior, but the network behavior is very abstract, involves the different levels, different granularity behavior, such as user layer, application layer, logic layer functions, the underlying code, etc., we want to focus on those behaviors, how to describe? In addition, for behavior control, another key problem is to control, even if we can well describe the behavior, how to effectively control, it is also a difficult problem, the two problems seem to have no good solution both at home and abroad, on the premise of not solve these problems, behavior control talk, only a fool lay wreaths on the tall, thin, like many years ago a leader put forward further protection, 3 d (multidimensional) three-dimensional protection concept, idea is very good, but without a specific implementation plan, finally also is passing,
3 how to behavior control technology the ground
If I wrote this, I can only calculate a dung, to put it mildly, an technology commentator, but definitely not the technician, here I want to go further, discuss about the behavior control landing,
It all started in 2005, before I put forward the behavior control (BC), until a force in the study of access control (AC), because the AC focused on to add, delete, modify, such as access to the session, such as the typical RBAC model in the application of enterprise security, but the AC model of subject and object is the biggest limit requires a clear interface, session behavior also stays in the user application logic layer, but in the bottom and a higher application, AC related models such as RBAC, DAC, MAC, BLP model is not applicable, because the subject is not clear, behaviour in many cases is not good, so I want to consider to access the session behavior extend to a more general behavior, thus obtained the BC, BC has said that I am very pride, or a little complacent, even though the boss pointed out my problem, I just thought that is critical opinion (can come up with a good IDEA is good), later, in the research of BLP model, the behavior (B) and state (S) (SYS) system have a profound understanding, driven by success in BC, I more boldly put forward the state control (SC) (wonder whether domestic also can appear a few years to SC fire!) , but BC and SC is faced with the problem of how to fall to the ground, although later I put forward some basic BC and SC model, and in some of the low level of the international conference at home and abroad, but not really know the things fall to the ground, is just a concept, which has also how it can be ground,
But, the problem again, can I put the BC and SC is applied to the underlying code, and how should the high-level application? How to BC implementation description control in network application? Through the agony of past, I have to return to use my victory in code layer, the application layer, the user layer B and S is mapped to the code, indirect control through the code layer at the top of B and S, but how to ensure the completeness and effectiveness of the map? For this, I almost ended my study, then, thanks to my study in 2006, a hierarchical system logic model, I basic is given from upper to lower B and S mapping problems in the application of complete reasoning, at this point, I want to say has been basically understand the landing problem of BC (control),
As to the legends of SC (state control), we can talk over time, attention please,
Is personal ideas, please clap brick, sincerely welcome to present an opinion, can BS me with my best,

Lin Mengni
In January, 2016 in Beijing

From my sina blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_14ecb0c6c0102w4er.html
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