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Nginx do TCP load balancing TPS couldn't get on can only achieve QiBaQian is not stable


Nginx do load balancing even four single server TPS can run to the back end server WuLiuQian, with the TPS can reach twenty thousand nginx, in theory, but can only achieve QiBaQian ulimit SHn also changed, also changed the maximum number of connections, or useless, for a great god action!!!!!!!!!!!
Nginx configuration, do the most simple configuration

CodePudding user response:

Basic configuration and test methods have to say, a single test machine QiBaQian has been good,

CodePudding user response:

- configuration is as follows; Comments section open, TPS also couldn't get on
Worker_processes auto;
# worker_rlimit_nofile 655350;
Events {
# use epoll;
# 655350; worker_connections
The stream {
Upstream a_20100 {
# $remote_addr hash consistent;
Server *. *. *. 132:20100;
Server *. *. *. 133:20100;
Server *. *. *. 134:20100;
Server *. *. *. 135:20100;
Server {
Listen, 10100;
# 1 s proxy_connect_timeout;
# 1 s proxy_timeout;
Proxy_pass a_20100;

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor wisewoman response:
basic configuration and test methods have to say, a single test machine QiBaQian has good,

- configuration is as follows; Comments section open, TPS also couldn't get on
Worker_processes auto;
# worker_rlimit_nofile 655350;
Events {
# use epoll;
# 655350; worker_connections
The stream {
Upstream a_20100 {
# $remote_addr hash consistent;
Server *. *. *. 132:20100;
Server *. *. *. 133:20100;
Server *. *. *. 134:20100;
Server *. *. *. 135:20100;
Server {
Listen, 10100;
# 1 s proxy_connect_timeout;
# 1 s proxy_timeout;
Proxy_pass a_20100;

CodePudding user response:

Have any members of a favor

CodePudding user response:

Nginx version to upgrade
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