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Ubuntu apt is an error


As long as the executive command is directly related to apt to the wrong
Can't apt to get the update

Apt: relocation error:/usr/lib/x86_64 - - the gnu/Linux libapt - privat
.so. 0.0: symbol _ZN3URIcvNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_t
AitsIcESaIcEEEB5cxx11Ev version APTPKG_5. 0 not defined in the file
Libapt - PKG. So. 5.0 with the link time reference

CodePudding user response:

If you are a 64 - bit Linux, then download and install the following two packages, namely the following 5 command:
Wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/libapt-pkg5.0_1.7.0_amd64.deb
Wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_1.7.0_amd64.deb
DPKG -i libapt - pkg5.0 _1. 7.0 _amd64. Deb
DPKG -i apt_1. 7.0 _amd64. Deb
Apt - fix - broken install
After completion of the above operation can be normal use apt - the get command to install the software,

If you is a 32-bit Linux, then switch to the other two packages, download and install them, methods as well as a 64 - bit (also perform 5 command),

CodePudding user response:

Root @ kali: ~ # sudo DPKG -i apt_1. 7.0 _amd64. Deb
DPKG: about containing apt apt_1. 7.0 _amd64. Deb:
Apt destroys apt - transport - HTTPS (& lt; <1.5 ~ alpha4 ~)
Apt - transport - HTTPS (version 1.4) already exists and has been installed,

DPKG: file handle apt_1. 7.0 _amd64. Deb error (install) :
Install apt will damage apt - transport - HTTPS, and
Do not allow the configuration (- auto - the deconfigure may help)
In dealing with errors happen in:
Apt_1. 7.0 _amd64. Deb

CodePudding user response:

Hello, I'm the problem, are you solved?
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