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Linux Centos8 Eclipse installation tutorial


As a Linux novice, want to install the eclipse a few days ago to turn a good half-day finally BanBanKeKe completed online, today to sort out the steps, hoping to bring you a little help!!!!!
Well below to start!

1: go to the Eclipse's official website to download the installation package!

If a download is slow, can choose to download the source! The diagram below:

2: go to the JDK's official website to download the JDK installation package (as for the difference between the JDK and JRE! If you need to run a Java program, need to install the JRE is ok, if you need to write a Java program, you need to install the JDK,)

3: the download is complete after the two files, save will default to the Downloads directory: oneself check

4: unzip the downloaded two packages
 $tar - ZXVF eclipse -inst - on. Tar. Gz 

 $tar - ZXVF JDK - 14.0.2 _linux - x64_bin. Tar. Gz 

After decompression below:

5: to install the JDK
Copy extract good JDK directory to/usr/local/under
And then configure the environment variables/etc/profile
$sudo mv JDK - 14.0.2/usr/local/
$sudo vim/etc/profile

About the position of in the middle of the file add the following two lines of code
Export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/JDK - 14.0.2
The export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/JDK - 14.0.2/bin

Change after the diagram below, and then save the exit!

Then run the following commands, let this configuration file take effect immediately

Finally using the following command to check the Java version
 $Java - version 

In illustration JDK installation configuration success

6: back to just download directory! Start the installation Ecplise
Eclipse - $CD installer/
$./eclipse -inst

This appears after the run command, wait a moment appear below the installation interface!! Sometimes the network reason long time point!

Select C/C + + or you want to use the language of the click to install!

Click agree to the following interface: after waiting for the green running full speed is decided by your network: I probably 10 minutes!
During will pop up a dialog box, choose still agree to

Click on run software after the installation is complete, enter the software main interface shut down!

7: create a soft connection, make its can be in any location input eclipse can open software
$sudo eclipse/opt/mv
$sudo ln -s/opt/eclipse/CPP - 2020-062/eclipse/eclipse/usr/bin/eclipse

Well done! Now, under the command line input eclipse can open software!
Advise you try not to localization. Easy to a problem!!!!!
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