Home > OS >  The attached pictures in the body of the E-mail, but the receiver cannot display
The attached pictures in the body of the E-mail, but the receiver cannot display


Sub email ()
Dim newMlItem As Outlook. MailItem
Ms="C: \ Users \ Desktop \ capture. PNG"
FileName="capture. PNG"
The Set newMlItem=Outlook. The CreateItem (olMailItem)
With newMlItem
The Subject="FW:
". Attachments. The add ms
The HTMLBody="& lt; P class=MsoNormal> "
To="[email protected]"
. Send
End With
End Sub

So send mail, the receiver can't display picture

Later found pictures of the actual address is "capture. PNG @ XXXXXXXX", now the problem is how to get the @ after this section address information,
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