Centos6.9 built virtual machine, ready to install suse9, due to the server did not drive, so I built a directory, install suse9 six iso file copy to the directory, then install the source virtual machine Settings in the selected directory first iso, when installation can start, but when insert the second's tip, suse installation interface, is unable to return to the choice of the virtual machine image file interface, which leads to the second's don't have a choice, then how to go from the machine installation directory, or what else is simple installation method? If not from the machine installation, whether to have to pack 6 iso method for an iso image, specific how to packaging, thank you!
CodePudding user response:
SUSE9 is not installed, but useful U disk installed recently SUSE12 - SP1, do not know can give you some reference:
U disk to install SUSE12 - SP1 (remember to install the making process of the U disk)