The console display
An error ocurred while starting the kernel
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ runpy py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
"__main__", mod_spec)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ runpy py", line 85, in _run_code
The exec (code, run_globals)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ spyder_kernels \ console \ __main__ py, line 11, "in
Start. The main ()
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ spyder_kernels \ console \ start py, line 307, "in the main
The kernel. The initialize ()
The File "", line 2, in the initialize
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ traitlets \ config \ application py, line 87, "in catch_config_error
The return method (app, * args, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ ipykernel \ kernelapp py, line 562, "in the initialize
Self. Init_kernel ()
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ ipykernel \ kernelapp py, line 447, "in init_kernel
User_ns=self user_ns,
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ traitlets \ config \ configurable py, line 412, "in the instance
Inst=CLS (* args, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages, spyder_kernels, console, kernel. Py ", line 33, in __init__
Super (SpyderKernel, self) __init__ (* args, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ ipykernel \ ipkernel py, line 68, "__init__ in
The kernel=self,
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ traitlets \ config \ configurable py, line 412, "in the instance
Inst=CLS (* args, * * kwargs)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ IPython \ core \ interactiveshell py, line 687, "__init__ in
Self. Init_magics ()
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ ipykernel \ zmqshell py, line 593, "in init_magics
Super (ZMQInteractiveShell, self). Init_magics ()
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages \ IPython \ core \ interactiveshell py, line 2250, "in init_magics
M.P ylabMagics, Margaret spellings criptMagics,
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages, IPython, core, magic. Py ", line 405, in the register
M=m (shell=self. Shell)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ site? Packages, IPython, core, magics \ osm py, 52, the line "in __init__
Self. running (r '(. *) \. (% s) $' % winext, re. The IGNORECASE)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ re py", line 234, in the compile
Return _compile (pattern, flags)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ re py", line 286, in _compile running (pattern, flags)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_compile py", line 764, in the compile
P=sre_parse. Parse (p, flags)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_parse py", line 930, in the parse
P=_parse_sub (source, pattern, flags & amp; SRE_FLAG_VERBOSE, 0)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_parse py", line 426, in _parse_sub
Not nested and not the items))
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_parse py", line 816, in _parse
P=_parse_sub (source, the state, sub_verbose, nested + 1)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_parse py", line 426, in _parse_sub
Not nested and not the items))
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_parse py", line 507, in _parse
Code=_escape (source, this state)
The File "D: \ anaconda3 \ lib \ sre_parse py", line 369, in _escape
Raise the source. The error (" incomplete escape % s "% escape, len (escape))
Re. Error: incomplete escape \ U at the position of 52
Reboot after the kernel has been show
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 9, 2019, 18:34:13) [MSC v. 1915 64 - bit (AMD64)]
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IPython 7.13.0 - An enhanced Interactive Python.
Restarting the kernel...
The Kernel died, restarting
The scalp will be off for a great god help solve thank you!