Home > OS >  High performance network communication framework HP - Socket v5.7.3
High performance network communication framework HP - Socket v5.7.3


project home page:
http://www.oschina.net/p/hp-socket development document:
https://www.docin.com/p-2287339564.html download address:
https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket QQ Group: , 44636872, 75375912

this update adding UDP Node component, a large number of new API!

v5.7.3 update

a, new components: UDP Node
1. The UDP Node without the concept of "connection", can send and receive data with any address
2. The UDP Node support three operation modes: unicast, multicast and broadcast
3. Increase the UDP Node component sample Demo 'TestUDPNode
'4. The UDP work process Node

2, API update
1. All components increase the Wait () method, is used to waiting for components closed
2. All communication components increase SetReuseAddressPolicy () method, which allows you to set the address reuse strategy
3. All of the SSL communication components increase SetSSLCipherList () method, which allows you to set the SSL encryption suite
4. Add Brotli compression/decompression support (provide _BROTLI_DISABLED precompiled macros for close Brotli library functions)
5. The OpenSSL upgrade to version 1.1.1 h

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HP - Socket component list

Based component 1.

2. SSL component

3. HTTP component

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