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The android camera to video but not saved


Question: can the Android7.1 USES 16 million camera video, but click stop video video file did not save apk is a system used to own, but can save when you use third party apk is video;
Grab the trajectory of the video log found MPEG4Writer thread count count to zero -- "MPEG4Writer: Received total/0 - length (0/0) buffers and encoded 0 frames. - video
Part of the log is as follows:
01-01 18:25:17. 005, 22154, 22154 V CAM_VideoModule: stopVideoRecording.
01-01 18:25:17. 007 2822 2939 I vol. Events: writeEvent external_ringer_mode_changed normal
01-01 18:25:17. 009 2690 13845 D ZenLog: set_ringer_mode_external: com. Android. Camera2, e: silent - & gt; Normal, I: silent - & gt; Normal
01-01 18:25:17. 015 2822 2939 I vol. Events: writeEvent mute_changed STREAM_RING false
01-01 18:25:17. 015 2690 2690 D ZenLog: set_zen_mode: off, ringerModeExternal
01-01 18:25:17. 018 2822 2939 I vol. Events: writeEvent mute_changed STREAM_SYSTEM false
01-01 18:25:17. 018 2822 2939 I vol. Events: writeEvent internal_ringer_mode_changed normal
01-01 18:25:17. 023 2378 2952 D MPEG4Writer: Video track stopping
01-01 18:25:17. 023 2378 2952 D MPEG4Writer: Video track source stopping
01-01 18:25:17. 023 2378 26593 I MediaCodecSource: encoder (video) stopping
01-01 18:25:17. 030 2822 2939 I vol. Events: writeEvent zen_mode_changed off
01-01 18:25:17. 102 2378 26617 E MPEG4Writer: The number of recorded samples is 0
01-01 18:25:17. 103 2375 26598 I EXYNOS_BASE_COMP: xf6742680 [0] [Exynos_OMX_ComponentStateSet] current (OMX_StateExecuting) dest: (OMX_StateIdle)
01-01 18:25:17. 103 2378 26617 W MPEG4Writer: 0 - duration samples found: 1
01-01 18:25:17. 103 2375 26598 I EXYNOS_BASE_COMP: 567 OMX_EventCmdComplete xf6742680 [0] [Exynos_OMX_ComponentStateSet] :
01-01 18:25:17. 103 2378 26617 W MPEG4Writer: 0 - duration samples found: 1
01-01 18:25:17. 103 2378 26617 I MPEG4Writer: Received total/0 - length (0/0) buffers and encoded 0 frames. - Video
01-01 18:25:17. 104 2375 26598 I EXYNOS_BASE_COMP: xf6742680 [0] [Exynos_OMX_ComponentStateSet] current (OMX_StateIdle) dest: (OMX_StateLoaded)
01-01 18:25:17. 136 2375 26598 I EXYNOS_BASE_COMP: 567 OMX_EventCmdComplete xf6742680 [0] [Exynos_OMX_ComponentStateSet] :
01-01 18:25:17. 138 2378 26593 I MediaCodecSource: encoder (video) stopped
01-01 18:25:17. 138 2378 26614 D CameraSource: reset: E
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 I ExynosCameraInterface: INFO (HAL_camera_device_stop_recording [1470]), camera (0) in
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 D ExynosCameraInterface: DEBUG (check_camera_state) : camera (0) state (7) checking...
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 D ExynosCameraInterface: DEBUG (check_camera_state) : camera (0) state (6: RECORDING_RUNNING - & gt; 7: RECORDING_STOPPED) is valid
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 I ExynosCameraGed: [CAM_ID (0)] [] - INFO (stopRecording [1148])
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 26616 W ExynosCameraGed: [CAM_ID (0)] [] - WARN (m_recordingThreadFunc [2855]) : wait timeout
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 D ExynosCamera: [CAM_ID (0)] [] - the DEBUG (m_clearList) : remaining frame (0), we remove them all
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 D ExynosCamera: [CAM_ID (0)] [] - the DEBUG (m_clearList) : EXIT
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 D ExynosCamera: [CAM_ID (0)] [] - the DEBUG (m_enableFaceDetection [3984]) toggle: 1
01-01 18:25:17. 139 2365 3623 D ExynosCamera: [CAM_ID (0)] [] - the DEBUG (m_enableFaceDetection [3984]) toggle: 0
01-01 18:25:17. 140 2365 3623 I ExynosCameraActivityAutofocus: INFO (setRecordingHint [320]) : hint (0)
01-01 18:25:17. 140 2365 3623 I ExynosCameraInterface: INFO (HAL_camera_device_stop_recording [1482]), camera (0) out from stopRecording ()
01-01 18:25:17. 140 2365 3623 I ExynosCameraInterface: INFO (HAL_camera_device_stop_recording [1486]), camera (0) unlocked..
01-01 18:25:17. 140 2365 3623 I ExynosCameraInterface: INFO (HAL_camera_device_stop_recording [1491]), camera (0) out
01-01 18:25:17. 140 2365 3623 D ExynosCameraInterface: DEBUG: duration time (1 msec) : (HAL_camera_device_stop_recording)
01-01 18:25:17. 140 2370 26609 W AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getOutputForAttr uid 1047 tried to pass itself off as 1000
01-01 18:25:17. 141 2370 2775 W AudioFlinger: TrackBase uid 1047 tried to pass itself off as 1000
01-01 18:25:17. 142 2370 2706 D audio_hw_primary: fast_out - set_audio_route: [PLAYBACK] current - device (none) new - device (speaker) in cur - mode (none) & amp; New - mode (normal)!
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 26614 D CameraSource: reset: X
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 2952 D MPEG4Writer: Video track source stopped
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 2952 D MPEG4Writer: Video track stopped
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 2952 D MPEG4Writer: Audio track stopping
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 2952 D MPEG4Writer: Audio track source stopping
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 26623 I MPEG4Writer: Received total/0 - length (149/0) buffers and encoded 148 frames. - Audio
01-01 18:25:17. 143 2378 26623 I MPEG4Writer: Audio track drift time: 0 us
01-01 18:25:17. 145 2378 26593 I MediaCodecSource: encoder (audio) stopping
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