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Linux design


Linux design
1. Requirements:
1) using C language, independent design the system function structure, module, developed independently, and 2) using the Linux kernel important container list. _head implementation, may not define your own list,
Shall not use the other containers such as array structure;
3) experiment is thinking of writing, such as
2 statistical word frequency and sorted output, basic functions:
Read English articles related to Linux (unified into a text file), the article not less than 2000 words, keep the paragraph structure of the article, all read the former shall not be converted to a line;
2) the statistical frequency of different words in the article, not statistical function (such as a, the, this, of, etc.);
Same words different tenses, plurality, can make the same word processing, the need of basic implementation, if can automatically identify the same word different tenses, plurality, better and put them as the same word processing,
According to the sequence from high to low formatting output frequency and percentage of each word as far as possible makes the output is beautiful and has a certain visual effect,
4) can increase the function,
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