Home > OS >  [for] vs2008 can't install on w8.1
[for] vs2008 can't install on w8.1


Because vs2015 some slow, now uninstalled vs2015, install vs2008. Installation process encountered the following error:

Image should be no problem, with before, no problem,

Had tried all sorts of methods are online,,, what unload the new. Net, an unloading, all to no avail,

The small dialog box information:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - CHS problems encountered during the installation, the installation was not completed correctly,.

Problem signature:
Problem event name: VisualStudio8Setup
Signature 01 question: 247
Question signature 02:9.0.21022.08.35 _ORCAS_X86_NET
Question signature 03: MSI
Question signature 04: INST
Question signature 05: F
Question signature of 06: NoMSI
Question signature 07: gencomp711, {d82f8 AC6B - 168-4 b55
Question signature 08:1603
Question sign 09: -
Signature 10: -
OS version: 6.3.9600.
The locale ID: 2052

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http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/? Linkid=280262

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The installation log:
 [01/21/21 15:17:30] setup. Exe: [2] ISetupComponent: : pre/Post/Install () failed in ISetupManager: : InternalInstallManager () with HRESULT - 2147023293. 
[01/21/21, 15:17:30] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck are. Microsoft.net Framework v3.5 (x64) is not installed.
[01/21/21, 15:17:30] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck are Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 for 64 - bit systems (x64) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/21/21, 15:17:30] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck are Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 was not attempted to be installed.
[...] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck are XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was not attempted to be installed. (it is all components at a wrong)

With 45 points, up to 40
Bosses genuflect is begged help... Thank you very much!

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