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New small white help, different jupyter notebook file functions, why return DataFrame cannot use?


DataSource. Py (using jupyter notebook to create, save as py)

The import OS
The import pandas as pd

Def GetExcel (fullName, sheetName) :
If OS. Path. The exists (fullName) and OS. Path. Isfile (fullName) :
XLS=pd. ExcelFile (fullName) # open the excel file
Sheettab=XLS. Parse (sheetName) # open the specified sheet page
XLS. Close # close excel file
Return sheettab
The else:
Print (' files' + fullName, 'no')

Another notebook code in the
The import pandas as pd
The import seaborn as SNS
Import the DataSource as DS # run here right

The file='./index/files/project plan. XLSX '
Price=pd. DataFrame (DS) GetExcel (file, 'outsourcing manpower price))
Print (type (price)

Newcolname={' expert ':' level ', 'year package (m) :' dprice} # set an old and new name mapping dictionary
Price. Rename (columns=newcolname, inplace=True) # field rename
# print (' B 'price. Shape)
Price=price. Dropna (subset=[' level ', 'dprice], how=' any ') # delete specified field is empty of all lines
# print (' A ', price. Shape)

Problem: this two pieces of code in a notebook that executes no problem, but after the split, price=pd. The DataFrame (DS) GetExcel (file, 'outsourcing manpower price)) get the function return value
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