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Tensorflow error so file compiled into c, to find for a long time to find the reason for the error


ERROR:/home/lzx_intern/cache/bazel _bazel_lzx_intern aae30fe3449c6e42de7b177fce7468e4/external/local_config_cc/BUILD: 57:1: in cc_toolchain rule @ local_config_cc//: cc - compiler - k8: ERROR while selecting cc_toolchain: Toolchain identifier 'local' was not found, valid identifiers are [local_linux local_darwin, local_windows]
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow: libtensorflow_cc. So failed. Build aborted: Analysis of target '@ local_config_cc//: cc - compiler - k8' failed. Build aborted
INFO: the Elapsed time: 5.493 s
INFO: 0 the processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (41 packages the loaded, the targets of 257 configur \
Currently loading: @ protobuf_archive//... (2 packages)

CodePudding user response:

Blogger, I compiled is c + + version and tested a lot of successful examples, is every time there are some warning, (One - time warning) : Not using XLA: CPU for cluster because envvar TF_XLA_FLAGS=- tf_xla_cpu_global_jit was Not set. If you want XLA: CPU, either set that envvar, or use experimental_jit_scope to enable XLA: CPU, to confirm that XLA is active, pass - vmodule=xla_compilation_cache=1 (as a proper command - line flag, Not via TF_XLA_FLAGS) or set the envvar XLA_FLAGS=-- xla_hlo_profile. As such, you met? How to activate the XLA improve performance under the c + +, I tried to upgrade to the tensorflow2.0 doesn't work, try the TF_EnableXLACompilation (options, true); Lack of libraries?

CodePudding user response:

https://blog.csdn.net/heiheiya/article/details/90697135 your problem should correspond to is this
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