Home > other >  About appium - desktop has been circle load not to come out, please answer!
About appium - desktop has been circle load not to come out, please answer!


I'm looking at the Internet some posts after the guidance of the appium - testing classic Windows desktop app
According to the guidance of the online posts, I opened the first winappdriver
Then open the appium - desktop; Click on the file; Click New Session Window
And then went into the Settings interface, the following parameters app I use is the calculator Windows 10

Then click on the start session; Then I went into the stuck in circles interface

And one more thing is that it is in the circle into the interface at the same time it beside opened the calculator as shown in figure:

And then there is endless turned around,,,,,,,, ask everybody to brainstorm help me the junior middle school students
The following attached WinAppDriver run log

C: \ Program Files \ Windows Application (x86) Driver> WinAppDriver. Exe 4723/wd/hub
Windows Application Driver Beta listening for requests at:
Press ENTER to exit.

POST/wd/hub/session HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Connection: keep alive -
The Content - Length: 182
The content-type: application/json; Charset=utf-8
The user-agent: admc/wd/1.11.1

{" desiredCapabilities ": {" app" : "Microsoft WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe! App, "" deviceName" : "WindowsPC", "platformName" : "Windows", "newCommandTimeout: 0, connectHardwareKeyboard" : true}}
Our SessionManager - Creating the session for Microsoft WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe! App
Our SessionManager - WinAppDriver succeeded loading MitaBroker
Our SessionManager - Application launched
Our SessionManager - Session successfully created: 77673 aaa - 15 d3-46 ae - b56284c A57D - 37388
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The Content - Length: 127
The content-type: application/json

{" sessionId ":" 77673 aaa - 15 d3-46 ae - b56284c A57D - 37388 ", "status" : 0, "value" : {" app ":" Microsoft WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe! App "}}

POST/wd/hub/session/77673 aaa - 15 d3 - ae - A57D 46-37388 b56284c/context HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Connection: keep alive -
The Content - Length: 21
The content-type: application/json; Charset=utf-8
The user-agent: admc/wd/1.11.1

{" name ":" NATIVE_APP "}
# # # WinAppDriver: : CommandHandler: : Session: : HandleCommandAsMidPoint -command context is not recognized
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
The Content - Length: 144
The content-type: application/json

{9, "status" : "value" : {" error ":" unknown command ", "message" : "the command not recognized: POST:/session/77673 aaa - 15 d3 - ae - A57D 46-37388 b56284c/context"}}

GET/wd/hub/session/aaa - 15 d3-46 ae - 77673 A57D - 37388 b56284c/source HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Connection: keep alive -
The user-agent: admc/wd/1.11.1

HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented
The Content - Length: 82
The content-type: text/plain. Charset=utf-8

77673 Command not implemented: GET:/session/aaa - 15 d3 - ae - A57D 46-37388 b56284c/source

GET/wd/hub/session/77673 aaa - 15 d3 - ae - A57D 46-37388 b56284c HTTP/1.1/screenshot
Accept: application/json
Connection: keep alive -
The user-agent: admc/wd/1.11.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The Content - Length: 804826
The content-type: application/json

2 th/HxQ9TqMwCcWZ/XEoeZDG + QWEOGmfFzcIkJuwg8ZrPMAPFxQD52KaeRpHnAtADmWAPNKcJwzmGAAA//RJREFUgacSUwoQSNGxwaJsyzQd03It2zZMXPLpK5NnB0HQ6rRxSZ9OELY6QTsIk5Sj/5 P/gs6CHYK1zoKc8IwC1igPEhADxlLgcD9DBDIVBUhefiaSq3yUfpuo rbe9vajfmumeaqa7jnqjbz0qh0ab1fcnl + + PGsgL1YLsRD3wVh06flBWDuvaQIUqmoIiJEMD/W4ZbeiOj0 + OjIwZOlS3JicaukKNRWqs8dPaydXh dbjKPHSec66MjVmJxAHBCJH2zZLJbQUJ3XAhz1JmDrgUvup22mI5kfsbuWiK5KaC5sQkoWL0uJ2Yc9psk5kQpvX7bjuhz8OxMESqBnTMlWFZ/gjJHSp1XpmZ [...].

GET/wd/hub/session/77673 aaa - 15 d3 - ae - A57D 46-37388 b56284c/window/current/size of HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Connection: keep alive -
The user-agent: admc/wd/1.11.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The Content - Length: 98
The content-type: application/json

{" sessionId ":" 77673 aaa - 15 d3-46 ae - b56284c A57D - 37388 ", "status" : 0, "value" : {" height ": 541, the" width ": 336}}
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