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STM32103C8T6 use keli5 burning after the board and OLED screen


After burning the balance of the car program boards and OLED no response (keli5 tip burn success), but record OLED testing program OLED display normally, STM32103C8T6 chips use keli5 st cc-link burning,

The following is a test of OLED code:

# include "sys. H"
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OLED IO interface * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GND power to
VCC connect 5 v or 3.3 v power supply
SCL meet PB8 (SCL)
Meet PB9 SDA (SDA)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OLED IO interface * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Int main (void)
Delay_init ();//=====time delay function initializes the
NVIC_Configuration ();//=====interrupt priority group
Uart1_init (128000);//=====serial port initialization 1
LED_Init ();//=====initialization IO
, which is connected with the LEDKEY_Init ();//=====button to initialize the
OLED_Init ();//=====OLED initialization
OLED_Clear ();//=====OLED screen clearing
While (1)
Delay_ms (50);//=====50 ms refresh screen at a time, do not need to have been refreshed,
OLED_ShowString (0, 4, "DAYUTC OLED Test", 12);

The following is the code for the balance of the car (no response) after burn:

# include "sys. H"
# include "LED. H"
# include "nrf24l01. H"
# include "spi. H"

# define LED_ON GPIO_ResetBits (GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);
# define LED_OFF GPIO_SetBits (GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);

Float Voltage;//battery voltage sampling variables related to
Float pitch, roll and yaw;//euler Angle (attitude Angle)
Short aacx, aacy aacz;//acceleration sensor raw data
Short gyrox, gyroy gyroz;//gyroscope raw data
Float UltrasonicWave_Distance;//ultrasonic ranging
Int Encoder_Left Encoder_Right;//encoder pulse count
Int Moto1=0, Moto2=0;//calculate the final assigned to a PWM motor
Int Flag_Qian Flag_Hou, Flag_Left Flag_Right;//bluetooth remote control variables related to
U8 flag_UltrasonicWave=0;//whether the ultrasonic beyond a safe distance from mark a
U8 key=0;//button keys
U8 rx_buf [33].
Under-16 speed, rotate;
Signed char Count1, Count2;
Float pitch, roll and yaw;//euler Angle

Void RxHandle ()
If (NRF24L01_RxPacket (rx_buf)==0)//once received the information, are displayed.
Rx_buf [32]='\ 0';//add string terminator LED1_ON;

Memmove (& amp; Rotate, & amp; Rx_buf [6], 2);
Memmove (& amp; Pitch, & amp; Rx_buf [8], 4);
Memmove (& amp; Roll, & amp; Rx_buf [12], 4);
Memmove (& amp; Yaw, & amp; Rx_buf [16], 4);
If (rx_buf [2]=='1') Flag_Qian=1; The else Flag_Qian=0;
If (rx_buf [3]=='1') Flag_Hou=1; The else Flag_Hou=0;
If (rotate> 2500) Flag_Left=1; The else Flag_Left=0;
If (rotate<1500) Flag_Right=1; The else Flag_Right=0;
Delay_ms (500);
Delay_ms (500);


Int main (void)
Delay_init ();//=====time delay function initializes the
NVIC_Configuration ();//=====the interrupt priority group, which contains all the interrupt priority level configuration, convenient management and one-time change,
NRF24L01_Init ();
NRF24L01_RX_Mode ();

Adc_Init ();//=====initialization ADC
Encoder_Init_TIM2 ();//2=====initialization encoder
Encoder_Init_TIM4 ();//=====initialization encoder 4
Timer3_Init (5000719);//=====ultrasonic timer initialization

LED_GPIO_Config ();

OLED_Init ();//=====OLED initialization
OLED_Clear ();//=====OLED screen clearing
MPU_Init ();//=====initialization MPU6050
Mpu_dmp_init ();//=====initialization MPU6050 DMP mode
UltrasonicWave_Configuration ();//=====initialization ultrasonic hardware I/o port
TIM1_PWM_Init (7199, 0);//=====initialization PWM 10 KHZ, used to drive motor,
Motor_Init ();//=====initialization and motor connection hardware I/o interface
MPU6050_EXTI_Init ();//=====MPU6050 5 ms timer interrupt initialization
Oled_first_show ();//need to display a character, only in a can, this refresh
While (NRF24L01_Check ())//testing NRF24L01 the existence

} NRF24L01_RX_Mode ();

RxHandle ();
While (1)
{RxHandle ();

Oled_show ();
Delay_ms (50);//20 hz display frequency, the screen without time refresh,

CodePudding user response:

Please bosses predecessors and see what is wrong? Give the child anxious that bad,
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