Home > other >  Consult bosses: the page is written in dropzone upload, now want to use python request to realize au
Consult bosses: the page is written in dropzone upload, now want to use python request to realize au


Upload page is written in dropzone, found no explicit input controls, by catching fiddler, no content - disposition, name, fieldname information,
Want to use the post requests to realize

The code is:
Url="http://www... "
Cookies=getcookies ()//here get the web cookies: jessionid=XXXXXXXXXXXX

Files={" file ": open (' d:/a.z IP 'and' rb ')}
Rep=requests. Post (url=url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, files=files)
Assert "true" in rep. Text

And then reported the error, was rejected by the server, bosses, please simulate the dropzone upload? Can you give some ideas?

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