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Python tkinter


This is the source code, is there any python senior bosses to help write a tkinter window

The import requests
The import re
The from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
The from tkinter import *
The from tkinter import messagebox
Print (" this program for b standing video covers a Python program to use Pyinstaller encapsulation ')
While True:
While True:
'the user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64. X64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36 '} # Ua disguise
Content=input (' the av input or BV number (please be sure to at the beginning and av or BV) : ')
Reset_content=f 'https://www.bilibili.com/video/{content}
Request=requests. Get (Reset_content, Ua) # access video page
Soup=BeautifulSoup (request. Text, 'LXML') # soup
Title=soup. Find find the title (' title ') #
X=STR (title)
RSTR=r "[\ \/\ \ \ \ *? " \ & lt; \ & gt; \ |] "# '\/: *? "& lt;> | '
New_title=re. Sub (RSTR, "", x) # replaced with underlined
New_new_title=new_title [28:] # remove useless characters
New_new_new_title=new_new_title # 34] [0: - get rid of useless characters
Image_json=soup. The find (' meta 'itemprop="image") # URL access to video cover
Image=image_json. Get (' content ') # find specific URL
Download=requests. Get images (image, Ua) # url
With the open (f '{new_new_new_title}. JPG', 'wb) as f: # download images
F.w rite (download. The content)
Print (f 'video entitled: {new_new_new_title} address is: the cover image, attach file is automatically saved to the application working directory')
Print (' mistakes, please check whether the AV or BV number is wrong ')
The continue

CodePudding user response:

Tkinter is don't understand
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