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Zookeeper find Command RMR, inside the Command not found RMR


Haven't go to BBS, met a strange question today, just talking with you:

[zk: localhost: 2181 (CONNECTED) 4] RMR
ZooKeeper - server host: port - the client - the configuration properties - file CMD args
AddWatch [-m mode] path # optional mode is one of [PERSISTENT, PERSISTENT_RECURSIVE]
- the default is PERSISTENT_RECURSIVE addauth scheme auth
The close
Config [-c] [- w] [-s]
The connect host: port
The create [-s] [e] [-c] [-t TTL] path [data] [acl]
The delete version] [- v path
Deleteall path [- b batch size]
Delquota [-n | - b] path
Get [-s] [- w] path
GetAcl (-s) path
GetAllChildrenNumber path
GetEphemerals path
The history
Listquota path
Ls [-s] [- w] [-r] path
Printwatches on | off
The quit
Reconfig [-s] [- v version] [[- the file path] | [- members serverID=host: port1, port2, port3
[,...]. | *]] [- add serverId=host: port1, port2, port3 [,...]] * [- remove serverId [...] *] redo cmdno
Removewatches path [- c | | - d - a] [l]
The set [-s] [-v version] path data
SetAcl [-s] [-v version] [-r] path acl
Setquota - n | - b val path
The stat [] - w path
Sync path
Command not found: Command not found RMR

Other commands, but a lack of RMR, you why?
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